Mine goes way higher than that. Your Exp/hour is high but your stardust per hour is way low, it means you snapped the picture right after evolving pokemon with lucky egg active, not while the bot is catching pokemon. Your gaining experience without getting stardust.
XP/hour is not calculated on 1 hour period, but is based on 3600 secs in 1 hour. So if you evolved 5 pokemon with lucky egg active in 15 secs, that will be 5000XP/15secs x 3600secsperminute or 1,200,000 XP per hour. This value is irrelevant though and just for show since actual calculation starts not when you evolve the pokemon bu when you logged in, again, based on XP/3600 seconds, not XP/1 hour. Much like speedometer in the car, you don't have to wait for 1 hour and measure distance travelled in order to calculate KM/hour.