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mature language filter removal macro


New Member
Oct 3, 2010
So heres the deal. as many of you probably are, i am annoyed by the mature language filter. Although i see its purpose in the game i dont feel it should be forced upon me however im willing to go with it.

However, i would love it if someone can show me a macro using the blizzard api to disable it by simply clicking a macro each time i log in.

I know this is somehow possible as HB does it to enable click-to-move upon startup. So can someone help me with it. It would be greatly and hugely appreciated by me and my guild to just simply click amacro at login to remove the annoyingness that is language filter

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You can disable the filter by going to Esc --> Interface --> Social --> Mature Language Filter (set off).
And then hit esc->logout.
This will save the characters settings.
I'm assuming you close with alt+f4 or the window exit X.
Yea. I know that. Thats not the point. Its much easier to simply click a button when i log in that i can bind to my mouse or action bars than it is to scroll through a bunch of menu options everytime.

Dont get me wrong your help is appreciated but i just want a faster way around it. And i suspect it is highly possible as i have seen many many many macros for toggling locking of action bars, sticky targeting, click to move, etc etc. all options that are found in the wow interface along with the mature language filter.

So again i hope someone can help :)

Much appreciated
And then hit esc->logout.
This will save the characters settings.
I'm assuming you close with alt+f4 or the window exit X.

And no i always either logout or use "exit game".... However mature language filter always resets itself upon login... only since patch mind you. I have read it was intentional by blizz and they wont reverse it and tickets are pointless because they always answer the same way....
I would guess you'd have to make it scan the mature filter settings by BNGetMatureLanguageFilter() and then make it check it is checked or not by 0/1 or true/false and probably use this one BNSetMatureLanguageFilter(true/false or 0/1) or BNSetMatureLanguageFilter = true/false or 0/1
thank u all for the help... i think i may have found a workaround tho without the macro... also thank you gimik for
World of Warcraft API - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft

There's blizzard's API, i didn't want to search through it all. SO if your willing to take the time its there somewhere. Hope that helps a little bit.
however i go there quite frequently for random things so i had already run thru that several times before postiing this lol...

Anyways thank you all for your help and mods feel free to close this thread as it is solved.... (well solved enough lol)

Thank you!
Hi! I came across this thread while googling for a solution for this issue. I couldn't find one, so I made one.

This addon will check if the filter is enabled at every load screen, and disable it. Both files (The LUA and the TOC) are simple and easy to read so you can review it before using it. I hope this helps.

View attachment 30212
Take the chance of using this at your own risk. First time poster linking and a .zip file. No thanks.
This is indeed a bug and blizzard has said that on several occasions. They are working on a fix.

Support Forum Agent
Hey guys,

This is a known issue at this time and you can try this macro for a quick fix for now, while we resolve this issue.

/script SetCVar("profanityFilter",1-GetCVar("profanityFilter"))

Source: Mature Language Filter - Forums - World of Warcraft
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LUA and TOC files can both be opened in a text editor and reviewed before use; so there's no need to trust me. Either way, I've moved posted the addon on Curse and WoWInterface.
Take the chance of using this at your own risk. First time poster linking and a .zip file. No thanks.

Lol, you're afraid of a zip file containing text files? Please don't say crap like this if you don't know anything about computers.
Lol, you're afraid of a zip file containing text files? Please don't say crap like this if you don't know anything about computers.
I don't feel that you making any comment about what you think you know is worth it.
I should make a little file for you personally. Not worth the time.

Your attempt to show superiority on this post has been lost in the fact that you haven't contributed to the thread at all.

Stfu, and good day.