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Massive Bans atm?


New Member
Mar 8, 2013
Yesterday, me and 3 friends got suspended (all between 3 and 72 hours, though funnily no one of us ever had a ban before.. seems they chose the duration pretty random). We all got suspended yesterday morning between 9 and 11AM because of exploiting the honor system (I hope it's the correct translation, but I guess you all know what I mean) on different EU Servers.

No one of us was using the bot at the time of the ban! I did ONE bg yesterday morning around 7AM and haven't used bg buddy in at least a week before... so it seems I got banned because of that 1 bg yesterday morning ;) We're all using bg buddy for at least 8 month, and never got banned before.

I was never a heavy user. I ran bg buddy for like 1-2 hours a day when I was at work on a second screen, I never left the game unattended. I took part in bg conversations, and stopped the buddy in between to play a little myself. So I guess I did everything you can do to *try* avoiding a ban... Also, no one of us _ever_ used any other bot than BGbuddy. We were all just farming a little kills and honor every now and then.

I just wanted to tell you this, because all of that leads me to the conclusion that the people on the forums who keep telling HB is VERY risky at the moment are right. It seems Blizz did something, or is doing something, I don't know. Usually, when you entered a battleground in the early morning, there were plenty of bots. Now I don't see a _single_ bot anymore... that's why I'm wondering if they are banning massively at the moment...

So everyone should definitely avoid botting for now. There's something going on, I never saw so many friends and guildmates got banned than since 5.2 got live on Wednesday...

But at least Blizz takes the decision for people who are hesitating to finally cancel the subscription. The game is quite boring by now anyway, and farming honor gear for 6 years now for 4 chars in the same battlegounds OVER AND OVER AGAIN is enough of boredom. I definitely won't do this all manually AGAIN.. no way, Blizzard.

But we want to thank you guys from Honorbuddy - it's a GREAT job you're doing here, and you were/are for SURE a reason for a LOT of players to not (!) give up WoW. Blizzard should think about that, before massively banning people who don't hurt anyone or anything while botting in their stupidly boring, ever-the-same-battlegounds for a little honor every now and then.

Thanks HB Team! Hope you will go on, and find a way to kick Blizzards arses.
Alright. So you mentioned several things in this post that I want to reply to. Before I start though I would like to remind everybody that botting right after the release of a patch is normally a very bad idea and could get you banned if blizzard has changed anything with warden or any other security system they may have installed.

Now, Your first statement makes me curious. If blizzard had actually caught any of you botting it would be a permanent ban instantly which also ties into another thing you said. That you had been banned for exploiting the honor system. That is NOT something blizzard says when you were banned for botting. What that means is you were probably doing something that blizzard didn't like, but not botting.

What this implies to me is you have probably gotten reported for doing a lot of BGs at once before and this one just tipped the scales.

I once again warn people NOT to bot until we are certain that blizzard has not updated their security systems however I do not believe this was the reason of your ban.
Thanks for your answer!

Of course I see that botting after the patch was probably very stupid, this is definitely my fault. I didn't think a lot about it, since I also did it after MoP was released without any trouble. Well, now I know better :D

I didn't know the difference in the statements Blizzard sends after they suspend/ban someone, as mentioned, I haven't ever been suspended before - so thanks for the clarification :) Nevertheless this is really strange, since I haven't ever done as few bg's as lately (I've hardly been playing at all during the last 3-4 weeks), that's probably why I was sure it had something to do with botting somewhen during the last 2 months...