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New Member
Apr 17, 2010
So I've been reading alot on the forums lately and it seems alot of people are going to be quitting when MOP comes out. And the one's most vital to this community IE. CC, plugin and profile devs are leaving to. So I was thinking of a way they could feel the need to stay in the community and keep there work alive.

1. Let them sell there CC's, profile's and plugins that are deemed worthy by the mods and devs for a small reasonably price.

2. Start like a program that youtube has with views after being deemed worthy by mods and devs to pay them a small amount per download.

3. Or simply hire really good coders in the community like you did with kick.

Just would suck to see the community that I love fall apart from people not feeling appreciated and that there work is worth while long after the game isn't to them.
I doubt it would "fall apart' per say because if a dev falls another will pick up. Will they be as good? Or better? Who knows.
But with the current devs here if it is not broke why fix it? If it is already completed why do it again?
Hence I say let time take its toll and see where we are when MoP launches.
Nice thinking and brainstorming on what we "could" do but I dont think this is exactly the case yet.
I doubt it would "fall apart' per say because if a dev falls another will pick up. Will they be as good? Or better? Who knows.
But with the current devs here if it is not broke why fix it? If it is already completed why do it again?
Hence I say let time take its toll and see where we are when MoP launches.
Nice thinking and brainstorming on what we "could" do but I dont think this is exactly the case yet.

True. This is all just what I think. I've been here a while and seen really great plugs and CC go to nothing because they just get quitted on. And with the class change's in MOP we are going to need good coder's to make good CC's. And Using lazyraider has always been my fav part of this bot. And the good lazyraider CC devs are quitting. So that's what this post was really about.
Mhm, i dunno, i have raised the idea of using a service such as AdF.ly - The URL shortener service that pays you! Earn money for every visitor to your links. but the idea fell through, not many people liked it stating various reasons. I think the community will die with the inclusion of having to pay for CCs and profiles etc. Although the idea is good, people wouldn't be willing to pay for them, granted some profiles/CC's/plugins deserve it, it would only serve to further exclude people from them. Plus, a donate button doesn't hurt.
I wouldent be keen to buying CCs for every class. If that option was avalible then I'm sure everyone would try to do it and could be a large expense if you have 10 classes.

I guess to encorage more CC devolpment is to have some sort of 'reward'. Someone spends weeks creating a class and very little people say thanks and I'm sure 99.9% of people don't donate. You then spend months mataining it and for what? Personal enjoyment maybe but it could easily be converted to a chore.

Personally I would give CC devolpers a small reward if they managed to matain it well. Noting much, maybe a small amount of money, more sessions maybe even beta releases. Same with profile deveolpers. A small reward can go a long way :)
Making profiles for free and selling the more premium types ones is what I used to do, atm I only do plugins to improve (try to :p) my c sharp... questing profiles are very boring to make and test, and the pathing system is something I don't like or would use to make profiles.

Someone would have to pay me to make quest profiles, so I understand why no one is interested in making quest profiles.
as a developer your allowed to collect donations, if you like a CC or a developer then throw them a bone. as far as setting up a system for people to "buy" CC's and plugin's its not going to happen, last time this topic came up for discussion, people strongly stated that they paid for the bot, and wont pay for CC's and Profiles, so that goes out the window. we made it against the rules to buy and sell things on the forum because we cant gaurentee that people wont rip you off or whatever. and the same thing goes with selling CC's and Profiles. not only that but as soon as someone pays for something, say i decided im going to sell a premium version of Amplify, if i threw a hissy fit. and decided to leave the community, and take my work, and more importantly the support and fixes that you paid for with me. you as a customer are going to have a bad experience, and thats going to reflect badly on Honorbuddy as a product because one of the things you do get when you pay for honorbuddy or gatherbuddy or whatever is the community.

i know being a developer is hard and but i didn't develop 4 generations of mage CC's because i wanted to get rich. i love this community and the knowledge ive learned has been well worth it. i went from failing my collage class on coding to being pretty good at it.

as far as hiring coders. we hire coders all the time, but we are a small company, we cant employ a huge staff just to keep everyone who makes a plugin here. and deciding well i think Bobby gets paid because he made this CC and its good, and this Other guy doesn't get paid because ive never used his CC isnt right ether. if you work hard and stand out, you'll get your chance. take kick, we didnt pull him out of a hat and asked him to make profiles, he made them and maintained them for a while and stood out for a long time before we brang him on, but right now hes working his ass off.

i think while its nice to get paid, if your in it for the money your in the wrong place.