so the first time i ran hb i got banned within a week and i was sad. i just couldn't get what i did wrong that made it so i got caught and not my other friends that were botting with the same service for longer then me. so for the first month after that i did nothing but read the dang forums and get ready for what was going to happen next time i bot knowing soon or later i would get caught. well it has been about 4 months since i been with hb and been farming about 16 hours a day for 5-7 days a week on 3 different account for 2 months straight now. once a normal day i make around 50k on a good day i make 100k but that with 2 account farming and 1 account crafting and selling to trade. now on a bad day i make around 20k which isn't alot but for being on the half dead realm i am on, i think it is pretty good. about more then half the vila/bc/wotlk/cata/mop herb/ore/enchat mats/gems/mounts now belong to me. i have 3 guilds banks that are always full all the time. ever one of my toons are sitting with 200k with the top gear for their level and all the best mounts thanks to the black market letting me spend my gold xD. and thanks to the forums for giving such amazing feed back even though i had to look in the darkest of places i found them xD this bot really is the bet one out there you just need to make sure you have the right plug in and the right combat routines and you can farm all day long! edit: o yeah and you can't forget about the profile. the profile is a huge game changer when blizzard know that no one can do the same path ever time the same.
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