I have following suggestions, which may increase the chance of being unbanned.
1. You have paid for ingame-purchases (20$ and more).
2. You had played legit first.
3. Your level is =< lvl 30 and you just have reached a resonable level, what also can be done legitly in the time after the account was created.
4. You have sent a ban appeal
5. You haven't botted/ used 3rd party tools on that account since the API change.
All old accounts, which were flagged by unknown6, got banned. It's possible that the old API wasn't able to indicate the difference between maptool-addon and bots, The logs created with the old API can't give a clear sign of botting, so that your account could be unbanned together with all the accounts, which just used the maptool. The improved API can detect bots much better and gives significant proves, no matter unknonw6 is *****ed or not. so if u have botted after the API change and get banned, those accounts won't get unbanned again.
IMO the amount of those lucky accounts should be limited. It's also possible, that niantic just give you a 2. chance, even they know that you have botted.
If u had paid and played legit, before u started botting, you are still a costumer and not someone who just botted for selling and destroying their business. That's why your main got unbanned. your other backup accs, which are botted only, should still be banned.