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Mailing Items with ProfessionBuddy - Error switching Botbase


New Member
Jan 16, 2016
I tried to mail some stormscale to my alt with the use of an ProfessionBuddy Profile. The Profile only contains the code to mail 8000 Stormscales (tried to mail all before - didn't work either):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <MailItem Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="Leather" Mail="Amount" ItemID="124115" Amount="8000" AutoFindMailBox="False" Location="4065.516, 4319.427, 768.3524" ItemQuality="Uncommon" ItemSelection="IDs" />

Now when I start the profile in Professionbuddy my toon moves to the mailbox, opens it and puts 1 Stack of 200 Stormscales in a new Mail. After that the bot seems to do nothing. Now after waiting a little bit the bot switches its botbase without any reason. The first few attempts it was switching to bgbuddy and startet this bot. I found my char in a battleground one minute later o.O

I decided to try it with a fresh installation of honorbuddy, downloaded the latest zip, unpacked and startet it with ProfessionBuddy. Same issue but now it switched to ArchBuddy instead of BGbuddy. A few seconds later the bot stops completely since ArchBuddy didn't run properly (I have no Archaeology-skill)

Checking the log shows incorrectly that the bot did mail successfully right before an exception in Coroutines.

View attachment 5136 2016-10-11 18.01.txt

Any Ideas what's wrong here? Thanks in advance.

Edit: After posting this and switching back to wow i was surprised finding my toon in battleground again ;-) Seems to be random or I didn't see any logic in this.
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Well log file is already attached - but maybe you miss the initialization part? I was stopping HB, clearing the logs and started again to keep the log clean. The log it created then is attached to my initial post.

OK let's go again:
View attachment 7660 2016-10-12 18.15.txt

I reproduced the problem after a fresh start of HB that's all included in logfile: On first attempt HB just did nothing after adding 1 stack in mail window. (Log says mail is done but that's not the case)
After 5 minutes I stopped the profile and startet again. You'll see this between timestamps 16:16 and 16:21. On the second attempt HB switched again to BGbuddy and I stopped it to avoid my toon entering BG again.

Are you now able to help me? Thank you.