Anyone think this Macro can work?
you need a addon called
thats lets you make macros over 255chars
here is the macro
This happens to be my macro. First macro is for toggling on/off sundering. Must be pressed at least once when logging on each time. Second is spammable macro that does everything else. Hold shift for "AOE mode" prioritizing WW and cleaves instead of heroic strike.
/run RegisterCVar("sunder","no")
/run RegisterCVar("slam","Slam")
/run if GetCVar("sunder")=="no" then SetCVar("sunder","yes") SetMacroSpell("Sunder?","Sunder Armor") return elseif GetCVar("sunder")=="yes" then SetCVar("sunder","no") SetMacroSpell("Sunder?","Slam") end
#showtooltip Bloodthirst
/use 14
/use 13
/run if(UnitPower('player'))<=30 and GetSpellCooldown('Bloodrage')==0 then CastSpellByName('Bloodrage')end
/run if(UnitPower('player'))>=60 and IsShiftKeyDown() then CastSpellByName('Cleave')end
/run if(UnitPower('player'))>=60 and (UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")>0.2) and not IsShiftKeyDown() then CastSpellByName('Heroic Strike')end
/run s={UnitDebuff("target","Sunder Armor")} if (IsSpellInRange("Slam")==0 and UnitPower("player")<15) or GetCVar("sunder")=="no" then SetCVar("slam","Slam") return elseif (s[4]==5 and s[7]-GetTime()<=4) then CastSpellByName("Sunder Armor") elseif not UnitDebuff("target","Sunder Armor") or s[4]==1 or s[4]==2 or s[4]==3 or s[4]==4 then SetCVar("slam","Sunder Armor") else SetCVar("slam","Slam") end
/run c=CastSpellByName cd=GetSpellCooldown r=UnitPower('player') p='player' b=UnitBuff bt='Bloodthirst' ww='Whirlwind' t='target' u=IsUsableSpell vr="Victory Rush" if (UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)<=0.2) or IsSpellInRange(bt,t)==0 or IsShiftKeyDown() then return elseif b(p,"Slam!") and r>=15 then c("Slam") elseif cd(bt)==0 and r>=20 then c(bt) elseif cd(ww)==0 and r>=30 then c(ww) elseif u(vr) then c(vr) elseif cd("Berserker Rage")==0 and r<=30 then c("Berserker Rage") elseif cd(ww)~=0 and cd(bt)~=0 and r>=15 and GetCVar("slam")=="Sunder Armor" then c("Sunder Armor") end
/run c=CastSpellByName cd=GetSpellCooldown r=UnitPower('player') p='player' b=UnitBuff bt='Bloodthirst' ww='Whirlwind' t='target' u=IsUsableSpell vr="Victory Rush" if (UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)<=0.2) or IsSpellInRange(bt,t)==0 or not IsShiftKeyDown() then return elseif cd(ww)==0 and r>=30 then c(ww) elseif b(p,"Slam!") and r>=15 then c("Slam") elseif cd(bt)==0 and r>=20 then c(bt) elseif u(vr) then c(vr) elseif cd("Berserker Rage")==0 and r<=30 then c("Berserker Rage") end
/run if (UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")>=0.2) or (IsSpellInRange('Slam','target'))==0 then return elseif (UnitPower('player'))>=15 then CastSpellByName("Execute")end
/run if (GetSpellCooldown("Heroic Throw"))==0 and (IsSpellInRange('Heroic Throw','target'))==1 then CastSpellByName("Heroic Throw") end
as i dont have a lvl 80 warrior that i can try this too.
/run StaticPopup_Hide("MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN");
you need a addon called
thats lets you make macros over 255chars
here is the macro
This happens to be my macro. First macro is for toggling on/off sundering. Must be pressed at least once when logging on each time. Second is spammable macro that does everything else. Hold shift for "AOE mode" prioritizing WW and cleaves instead of heroic strike.
/run RegisterCVar("sunder","no")
/run RegisterCVar("slam","Slam")
/run if GetCVar("sunder")=="no" then SetCVar("sunder","yes") SetMacroSpell("Sunder?","Sunder Armor") return elseif GetCVar("sunder")=="yes" then SetCVar("sunder","no") SetMacroSpell("Sunder?","Slam") end
#showtooltip Bloodthirst
/use 14
/use 13
/run if(UnitPower('player'))<=30 and GetSpellCooldown('Bloodrage')==0 then CastSpellByName('Bloodrage')end
/run if(UnitPower('player'))>=60 and IsShiftKeyDown() then CastSpellByName('Cleave')end
/run if(UnitPower('player'))>=60 and (UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")>0.2) and not IsShiftKeyDown() then CastSpellByName('Heroic Strike')end
/run s={UnitDebuff("target","Sunder Armor")} if (IsSpellInRange("Slam")==0 and UnitPower("player")<15) or GetCVar("sunder")=="no" then SetCVar("slam","Slam") return elseif (s[4]==5 and s[7]-GetTime()<=4) then CastSpellByName("Sunder Armor") elseif not UnitDebuff("target","Sunder Armor") or s[4]==1 or s[4]==2 or s[4]==3 or s[4]==4 then SetCVar("slam","Sunder Armor") else SetCVar("slam","Slam") end
/run c=CastSpellByName cd=GetSpellCooldown r=UnitPower('player') p='player' b=UnitBuff bt='Bloodthirst' ww='Whirlwind' t='target' u=IsUsableSpell vr="Victory Rush" if (UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)<=0.2) or IsSpellInRange(bt,t)==0 or IsShiftKeyDown() then return elseif b(p,"Slam!") and r>=15 then c("Slam") elseif cd(bt)==0 and r>=20 then c(bt) elseif cd(ww)==0 and r>=30 then c(ww) elseif u(vr) then c(vr) elseif cd("Berserker Rage")==0 and r<=30 then c("Berserker Rage") elseif cd(ww)~=0 and cd(bt)~=0 and r>=15 and GetCVar("slam")=="Sunder Armor" then c("Sunder Armor") end
/run c=CastSpellByName cd=GetSpellCooldown r=UnitPower('player') p='player' b=UnitBuff bt='Bloodthirst' ww='Whirlwind' t='target' u=IsUsableSpell vr="Victory Rush" if (UnitHealth(t)/UnitHealthMax(t)<=0.2) or IsSpellInRange(bt,t)==0 or not IsShiftKeyDown() then return elseif cd(ww)==0 and r>=30 then c(ww) elseif b(p,"Slam!") and r>=15 then c("Slam") elseif cd(bt)==0 and r>=20 then c(bt) elseif u(vr) then c(vr) elseif cd("Berserker Rage")==0 and r<=30 then c("Berserker Rage") end
/run if (UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")>=0.2) or (IsSpellInRange('Slam','target'))==0 then return elseif (UnitPower('player'))>=15 then CastSpellByName("Execute")end
/run if (GetSpellCooldown("Heroic Throw"))==0 and (IsSpellInRange('Heroic Throw','target'))==1 then CastSpellByName("Heroic Throw") end
as i dont have a lvl 80 warrior that i can try this too.
/run StaticPopup_Hide("MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN");