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Low POPU servers


New Member
May 12, 2010
Hello guys i was thinking on this and i want to hear what you guys think about this idea that coming across my mind, the thing is that you guys now that Low Popu server (there are alot atm) there are like NO BOTTERS like on a HIGH POPU so you gonna be able to farm a lot of mats and stuff, so what if i level up 2 toons there Toon1 Mining/Herb Toon2 JC/Alch
here we are just focusing on just Ores no DE so the deal is to farm and Cutt gems and try to get BANK full of GEMS (inferno and trasnfer to a high population) and sell all that gem, those that worth paying 25$ for a transfer FULL BAGS and FULL GB of Inferno Ruby and sell slowly on that High Server( i can find buyers REAL FAST)

hope you get the Idea
Your idea is to farm on a lower populated server, make the farmed stuff Inferno Rubys and sell them on the server you're mainly on (higher populated)?
I've thought about this too, and might eventually do it. Can't harm.
Ya its better you know why? cuz ur bots are gonna be safe from Reports and you will GOING TO FARM REAL RAW MATS :D

let do real fast mats:

5 inventory bags
7 BANK Bags
Bags 22 slots

12x22= 264 total space

264 x 20(stacks of inferno)= 5280

5280x 50-100g= Do mats there :P
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+ you will need about.. 30 000+ stacks of elementium/obsidium ores to get that much inferno rubys, 30 000 stacks x4 prospects per stack = 120 000 prospects x 3,750 seconds per prospect (thats the time I use on my auto clicker combined with Enchantrix) thats 450 000 seconds or 125 hours just for the prospecting and what are yuo going to do with all the other mats u get I think that it will be unwise to throw off the Hessonite Nightstone and Carnelian since you will get huge loads of Greater Celestial Essence and Heavenly Shards but you will probably need like a month just for prospecting crafting and disenchanting. And if you stick only to prospect and keep inferno rubys I think u r gona lose incredible amount of gold, but let's just think how much time you'll need to farm up 30 000 stacks or 600 000 ores? How much u can get per hour? Currently on my realm I'm just buying every single stack of Elementium/Obsidium that I find under 26-27g and I'm making at least double profit out of that with prospecting/disenchanting/cuting gems indeed it takes a lot of time but still profitable in my opinion I made about 350-400k gold clean profit in a month only doing that with one account. But let's get back to math let's assume you can get that amount of Rubies in about 2-3 weeks I highly doubt you can sell more than 100-200 per day so you will need like another 2 weeks just to sell them, and
5280x 50-100g= Do mats there :P lets take a middle price of 75g, 5280x75=396 000 gold - 5 % AH fee (assuming you sell them all in the AH) is 19800g loss, which gets you down to 376200 gold profit for a month work. I think that it will be way more profitable to get enchanting on the first account and jewelcrafting on the seccond account so you can craft and disenchant at the same time which will save you half the time you will need to craft/de all the items and that way your profit will be over a million gold in probably the same time.

Edit: 1st acc Enchanting/Mining, 2nd acc Jewelcrafting/Mining this will reduce the time you need to farm the ores. You can bot in 2 different zones. You can sell enchanting scrolls (to sell all the enchanting mats faster, altho some of the scrolls are really overpriced), cutted gems, enchanting mats

P.S. can't you realm change with all the stuff inside your mailbox?
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On other hand you made 15k+ last year or this year or whatever, and u still look to make more oO?
@Darkbound Thats lot of time indeed and at the end i think it wont worth it, i just put that example(mats) but think about it, in a RUIN server (VERY LOW POPU) you dont going to have problems with Banns? why is that cuz the Banns are mainly when people report you, Blizzard dont give a shit about BOtters, if blizzard does all the accounts that have the SAME ROUTE (profiles Route) are gonna get banns cuz even if u run for 4 hours you doing the same over and over even on the same WAYPOINT. What i mean with the post is that you can farm more mats maybe TRIPLE the quantity on a VERY LOW POPU server and here is where the profit at.....i will give a try when i get the time for doing it, but im doing what you doing BUYING all ore, farming ores and Prospec/Transmute/DE'ing im just looking for more ways to do more GOLD, so i made more $$$, Im not here to Gear toons or play the game anymore i quit it almost 2 years ago, im just here to Make money and its cuz the LIVING COST in my country i can ezly support it with the GOLD that i sell, im married and im waiting for a child and my living cost is 600us, and right now i ezly do that money in a month maybe around 1k selling the gold to Chinese Farmers, i can do more if i get a fw private(alrdy did :P)

@Kiyumi i want more $$$ hehehe :D SWTOR HERE I COME!
You can't transfer the contents of a guild. So you'll be spending hundreds of dollars to transfer toons across realms. Not to mention you can only transfer toons that are level 10 minimum so you'd have to level about 8 toons to level 10.

I bot on a population capped server, in comparison to others not very much at all, and still make about 10-15k a day.
my MISTAKE about guild OMG LOL i didnt want to mean GUILD what i mean is BANK personal Bank
But Bliz is thinking about complete guild transfers. time, i dont know, just read it on a blue post some weeks ago.