You don't need profile for this. Go to Scarlet Monastery Heroic (even my levl90 Blood DK can survive there) Clear all the mobs from the Pile of Bones but do not kill the Pile of Bones. Then move back to the entrance and afk farm to your hearts content!!! The Pile of Bones will spawn Zombified Corpse that'll aggro to you. Only problem is you might need anti-afk as I seem to be logging out from time to time. As a hunter you can even leave your pet on Assist and don't even need 3rd party s/w. Pet will kill Zombies and you still get credit and Charms. Hope this helps.
Unless im thinking of a different spot it hasnt been nerfed. In an hour of playing my toon i got around 2k charms. As a boomkin is a great farm to do if while doing something else
U can also try the vale or sra'vess(spelling?) Not great on the charms alone bit u get alot of other things that will make it a great spot.
Edit: this is in response to the spires bee farming
Def not nerfed, but crowded. Its a very popular spot.
Well Scarlet Monastery just got nerfed....took them long enough more than 2
My Love Is In The Air profile pack contains 4 profiles for Charms farming, one for SMV, Frostfire Ridge, Spires of Arak and Gorgrond. While not INCREDIBLY fast, most areas contain high respawn mobs.