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Looting Pokestop Failing/ Softbans [Log and Troubleshooting Included]


New Member
Aug 8, 2016
So it seems that the new build is inherently still producing the same issue of failing to loot pokestops and getting stuck. Included below of the Logs of said occasions if it can help the devs sort this out. Can confirm this is related to being softbanned while botting as changing IPs instantly brought the bot to a working state again within seconds every time it occurred.

Troubleshooting taken already inside PokeFarmer:
Have set bot to take random break/ Random throw accuracy
Changed Speed Limits (Walking seems to produce this error less, or not at all during sessions.
Updated to latest build (Build
Changed locations, issue not location specific.

Based off troubleshooting done in and outside of the PokeFarmer bot/ app I suspect this is due to Niantic applying softbans across the board to anyone calling their servers/ API too often. This would also explain why PokeFarmer and other bots currently are all experiencing frequent softbans. As you know, more calls means better bot performance/ speed. A human player could not make as many calls to Niantic server and perform as many actions in such short windows of time. This could be a way for Niantic to inhibit bots for the immediate future so at least they slow down in tone, until their other operations and launches in other countries are finished.

Possible solutions:
For now setting to walking speed seems to be a viable option for STILL gaining exp and running the bot with minimal softbans (although it seems some users report they are getting the same still).
- Might be worth trying to prolong time in between calls to see if this lessens the amount of softbans/ failed pokestop loots.


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I get these errors too, but only when I run PokeFarmer on a virtualBox virtual machine.

INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:03]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:05]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:06]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:07]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:09]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:10]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:11]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:12]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:13]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:15]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:16]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:17]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:18]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:20]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.
INFO <b><font color="#0094FF">[00:29:21]</font></b> Getting items of pokestop <font color="#FFB200"><b>1f2129e140c04851bc4376bcf6c92d5d.16</b></font> failed. Trying again.

When I run it native in Windows, I do not get this problem.

I do not believe it is related to softbans at all, because if you uncheck "loot pokestops" your bot will happily go around catching pokemon until the pokeballs run out. (When you are softbanned, you cannot catch any pokemon until the ban lifts). So this is a bug, not soft-ban related.
Bot is now stuck at IDLE consistently. This is after hitting Start Bot with the same settings as before. No Logs are generated as a result or I would post. Pokestops/ Pokemon/ Gyms do not load around location on map preview as well. :(:confused:
I get these errors too, but only when I run PokeFarmer on a virtualBox virtual machine.

When I run it native in Windows, I do not get this problem.

I do not believe it is related to softbans at all, because if you uncheck "loot pokestops" your bot will happily go around catching pokemon until the pokeballs run out. (When you are softbanned, you cannot catch any pokemon until the ban lifts). So this is a bug, not soft-ban related.

I am running the bot locally (native) in Windows 10, no virtual machine is used.

This is what I thought, but when I changed my IP, it resumed looting Pokestops. I still think this is related to some restriction or limit set server side. Other bots outside of PokeFarmer are experiencing similar issues (most of them relating to softbans that changing IP will fix). I know these bots are different and use different platforms/ API/ languages to run and communicate with Niantic servers, but they all general work on the same principle and are experiencing similar issues.

I am hoping I'm wrong and you're right that this is just a bug with this bot and there is a fix in works or at least devs are aware.
How can you possibly consider it being a softban? If you did "troubleshoot" you would have easily noticed that it's trying to loot the same pokestop over and over again until the cooldown is gone.

Video I posted in my thread.

I am assuming it was a softban (again I said I am not sure, I am speculating based on my observation). Softbans produce the same problem of not being able to loot Pokestops. If I change IP, within seconds I am able to loot them again. I see you simply restarted your bot to get it working again to loot Pokestops, but based off my "troubleshooting" I personally have not had the same luck. Again, I hope you're right and you may be.

Hopefully we have more people contributing info for the devs, thanks for the video. That is the exact same issue I am having myself, unfortunately stopping and restarting the bot doesn't seem to work most of the time for me. While changing IPs seems to solve the problem consistently. Mind if I ask generally what settings you are using (especially speed) as it seems faster travel speeds are making this error occur more frequently for a few others and myself.
I am using drive speed in some place in japan or something. I've tried all different speeds and still nothing has changed. One thing I thought was odd is that it ran right out into the water for a pokemon... Should be some boundaries. Or maybe slower travel once in water.
I am using drive speed in some place in japan or something. I've tried all different speeds and still nothing has changed. One thing I thought was odd is that it ran right out into the water for a pokemon... Should be some boundaries. Or maybe slower travel once in water.
From what I have seen across all bots, this is a known issue as it is hard to code into a program using Google's API what is land or water. A lot of times bots will walk on water as if normal land, because it can't distinguish the difference. Pokemon can still spawn in water so it just hops between pokemon and pokestops as normal, in water or not. It just detects and goes from point to point simply. From the behavior I have seen running this bot for a few days, it is preferring the closest Pokestops first, then once it has enough Pokeballs, the closest Pokemon that meet the filters set. I can say however this bot does a decent job at doing this less than others I have tried.

*Side note* The devs are aware of the water issue and have it included on a possible addition to a future update.:)
Idk. I don't even bother messing with the bot more than a couple times a day to confirm it's still buggy as hell, then I close it and wait for an update.
Okay, thank you for the info above!
Guess all we can do is report and hope for some feedback.
Any insight devs? Or others having this issue? If so please post logs to help this get fixed!