Things Not to Post
? Offensive Language in Thread Titles.
? Game exploits and *****s
? Discussion of emulated severs, stolen software, drugs or any other real-life illegal acts.
? Scams, [B]WTT/WTS/WTB,[/B] Advertisements, Poll threads, +rep threads, Job offers, requesting donations, ALL CAPS
? Direct links to external files (these paths could be changed at any time without your knowledge)
? Character / Realm Names, IP addresses or any personal information (You?re own, or others?)
? Reporting or threatening to report botters.
? No posting stupid annoying spammy type sites. Such as websites with lock loops
? Topics with WTF in the title will be deleted and not answered.
? No topics titled "Banwave" when there is not a banwave. Admins and Mods will make posts addressing Banwaves.
? No topics titled "Bossland take a look here","Hawker i have a big problem" etch.
? No giving away accounts ( Gb/Hb or WoW) - Sorry but there are too many scammers to allow this. If you want to donate your account for the Gb/Hb team to use for testing contact [email protected]
? Posting Spam or Youtube Spam will end in a Permanent Ban.
and last but not least
? Do not post an issue without your log as attachment
such posts will be deleted and not answered.