the info that Code gave is correct in general but in this case the problem is diff
[4:40:06 PM:598] Loading Kalimdor_40_28
[4:40:06 PM:884] Loading Kalimdor_41_29
[4:40:06 PM:946] Could not generate path from {1634.077, -4306.69, 21.16212} to {1595.181, -5285.063, 96.35564} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[4:40:54 PM:836] Could not generate path from {1633.598, -4305.936, 21.1764} to {1595.181, -5285.063, 96.35564} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[4:40:55 PM:001] Could not generate path from {1631.387, -4305.177, 21.20486} to {1595.181, -5285.063, 96.35564} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[4:40:55 PM:168] Could not generate path from {1629.168, -4304.441, 21.20783} to {1595.181, -5285.063, 96.35564} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[4:40:55 PM:334] Could not generate path from {1626.949, -4303.705, 21.04923} to {1595.181, -5285.063, 96.35564} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
[4:40:55 PM:502] Could not generate path from {1625.62, -4303.264, 20.94554} to {1595.181, -5285.063, 96.35564} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
@OPif you still got issues report this problem on profile's thread and Kick will check it asap