New Version
- All three strategies now finish the craft when quality becomes full.
Please delete the example macro if you don't need it. It's just there to show you how they look so you can make your own.
So I've been thinking, it seems like all three strategies have the same idea behind them: Leave the craft one Careful Synthesis I/II away from finishing, then do Hasty until the time comes to finish with a big ass Byregot. The skills change a little bit from 40 durability crafts to 80 durability ones (like Master's Mend II -> Manipulation) but the idea is the same. So I'm thinking of combining all strategies into a single one, and adding some optional skills. Here's what I'm thinking, I'd really appreciate any feedback:
Phase One
- Goal: Leave the craft one Careful Synthesis I/II away from finishing.
- Use whatever synthesis skills are most efficient to reach the goal (i.e. if Piece by Piece or Flawless Synthesis give more progress than Rapid Synthesis, use them instead). If Rapid Synthesis is the most efficient, always keep Steady Hands I / II up for it. Apply Inner Quiet. Once the goal is reached, move on to Phase Two.
Phase Two
- Goal: Get as much quality as possible.
- Always Tricks when able. Do "cycles" of Hasty Touch and the most efficient "mend" ability depending on 40 or 80 durability. Keep Steady up, use Comfort Zone if "expected steps remaining" >= 8 so it pays for itself, on excellent use whatever touch ability gives you the most bang, then when CP doesn't allow for another mend cycle, do the finisher sequence of Innovation -> Great Strides -> Byregot. The finisher also has it's nuisances. If Steady has dropped, and CP only allows for either Innovation or Steady, it'll prefer Steady. If Excellent happens during the finisher sequence, it'll Byregot right there and then instead.
Phase Three
- Goal: Finish with one Careful Synthesis I/II.
Am I missing something? My ultimate goal is to make Lisbeth as general as possible, so you don't have to worry "how" to craft something, just let it take care of it. Strategies can be very complex, they are basically combat routines for crafting. The goal was always to make Lisbeth a better crafter than myself for the hard recipes, for everything else there's 100% HQ macros anyways.