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[Lisbeth] Your own personal crafter!

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What I want is it to use my retainers to get supplies from. Maybe even dropping stuff off to them. But definitely taking material from them
Possible Oversight?

First I'd like to say, excellent BotBase. SO happy with it.
I bought it today so I could just be overlooking something, but in the Macro section, when you go to pick your abilities, I don't see any of the Name of the [Element] actions in there?

If I'm just being dumb please let me know :P

Thanks so much for your work!
Warning for whoever crafting at their home and use Agil for repairing.

Please use "Repair self" feature for now, because it's seems like Agil can't find mender inside your home (Eventhough I'm crafting next to my mender).

Not sure that I should post it here since this is not Agil thread but since Agil thread was closed so I posted here.
anyone here mind sharing some profiles for leveling up the crafting and gathering jobs? ^^
If using Lisbeth,
* Just make 990 Ores for BSM
* Make 990 Ores for ARM
* Make 990 Enchanted Ink for ALC
* Make 990 Ingots for GSM
This should raise MIN.
* Make 990 Lumber for CRP
* Make 990 Cloth for WVR.
This should raise BOT.
and use your discretion for CUL (BOT).

Repeat with different recipe every 5/10 level.
If using Lisbeth,
* Just make 990 Ores for BSM
* Make 990 Ores for ARM
* Make 990 Enchanted Ink for ALC
* Make 990 Ingots for GSM
This should raise MIN.
* Make 990 Lumber for CRP
* Make 990 Cloth for WVR.
This should raise BOT.
and use your discretion for CUL (BOT).

Repeat with different recipe every 5/10 level.

thank you ^^ mind being slightly more specific as to which kind of ores,etc?
Cannot seem to handle 35 durability.
[19:33:59.081 N] Building Actioncache
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Sprint Action Id:3
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Steady Hand Action Id:247
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Inner Quiet Action Id:255
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Great Strides Action Id:263
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Manipulation Action Id:278
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Innovation Action Id:284
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Collectable Synthesis Action Id:4563
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Basic Synthesis Action Id:100075
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Basic Touch Action Id:100076
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Master's Mend Action Id:100077
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Standard Touch Action Id:100078
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Master's Mend II Action Id:100079
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Standard Synthesis Action Id:100080
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Advanced Touch Action Id:100081
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Observe Action Id:100082
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Flawless Synthesis Action Id:100083
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Byregot's Brow Action Id:100123
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Precise Touch Action Id:100131
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Innovative Touch Action Id:100140
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Satisfaction Action Id:100172
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Maker's Mark Action Id:100178
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Whistle While You Work Action Id:100190
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Steady Hand II Action Id:281
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Comfort Zone Action Id:286
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Hasty Touch Action Id:100108
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Tricks of the Trade Action Id:100098
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Ingenuity II Action Id:283
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Byregot's Blessing Action Id:100009
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Careful Synthesis II Action Id:100069
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Muscle Memory Action Id:100136
[19:34:01.145 N] Action Name:Waste Not II Action Id:285
[19:34:01.145 N] Done building Actioncache
[19:34:01.172 D] Reloading AssemblyLoader<ff14bot.Interfaces.ICombatRoutine> - Initializing
[19:34:03.378 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
[19:34:03.378 D] Ultima v1.0.0.0
[19:34:21.325 N] Bot Thread Started.
[19:34:21.418 N] [Ultima] Loading: Goldsmith
[19:34:21.776 N] [Lisbeth] Agil found.
[19:34:21.777 N] [Lisbeth] 1 orders added.
[19:34:21.782 N] [Lisbeth] 24 calibrations found.
[19:34:21.818 N] [Lisbeth] Starting craft order for Cloud Mica Whetstone.
[19:34:24.925 N] [Synthesize] Crafting Cloud Mica Whetstone (12561) via 2541
[19:34:27.183 N] [Lisbeth] Calibrating.
[19:34:27.189 N] [Lisbeth] Using SteadyHand2.
[19:34:27.232 D] DoAction Spell 281 0x10125D46
[19:34:28.625 N] [Lisbeth] Using BasicTouch.
[19:34:28.632 D] DoAction CraftAction 100076 0x10125D46
[19:34:31.284 N] [Lisbeth] Sent calibration result.
[19:34:31.349 N] [Lisbeth] Using BasicSynthesis.
[19:34:31.349 D] DoAction CraftAction 100075 0x10125D46
[19:34:33.989 N] [Lisbeth] Sent calibration result.
[19:34:34.058 N] [Lisbeth] Minuet. Base progress: 97
[19:34:34.088 N] [Lisbeth] Using ComfortZone.
[19:34:34.089 D] DoAction Spell 286 0x10125D46
[19:34:35.455 N] [Lisbeth] Using InnerQuiet.
[19:34:35.456 D] DoAction Spell 255 0x10125D46
[19:34:36.776 N] [Lisbeth] Using CarefulSynthesis2.
[19:34:36.776 D] DoAction CraftAction 100069 0x10125D46
[19:34:39.257 N] [Lisbeth] Using CarefulSynthesis2.
[19:34:39.257 D] DoAction CraftAction 100069 0x10125D46
[19:34:44.023 N] [Lisbeth] Remaining: 82
[19:34:45.828 N] [Synthesize] Crafting Cloud Mica Whetstone (12561) via 2541
[19:34:48.124 N] [Lisbeth] Minuet. Base progress: 97
[19:34:48.124 N] [Lisbeth] Using MuscleMemory.
[19:34:48.125 D] DoAction CraftAction 100136 0x10125D46
[19:34:50.703 N] [Lisbeth] Using ComfortZone.
[19:34:50.704 D] DoAction Spell 286 0x10125D46
[19:34:52.045 N] [Lisbeth] Using InnerQuiet.
[19:34:52.046 D] DoAction Spell 255 0x10125D46
[19:34:53.419 N] [Lisbeth] Using CarefulSynthesis2.
[19:34:53.419 D] DoAction CraftAction 100069 0x10125D46
[19:34:56.028 N] [Lisbeth] Using CarefulSynthesis2.
[19:34:56.028 D] DoAction CraftAction 100069 0x10125D46
[19:34:58.618 N] [Lisbeth] Using SteadyHand2.
[19:34:58.619 D] DoAction Spell 281 0x10125D46
[19:34:59.959 N] [Lisbeth] Using TricksOfTheTrade.
[19:34:59.959 D] DoAction CraftAction 100098 0x10125D46
[19:35:02.779 N] [Lisbeth] Using ByregotsBlessing.
[19:35:08.620 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Pushed the stop button.
[19:35:08.655 D] CurrentBot.Stop()

Use a 35 Dur Macro.
EDIT: Regarding Smart Stealth, as I just noticed the option for it... I had to toggle the option OFF in order to get the bot to stealth up in an equal leveled area.
Tried to read through a bit of the recent chat but didn't see anything regarding my issue. I'm sure it's out there somewhere though.

I noticed Lisbeth doesn't want to auto obtain Hardsilver Sand or Hardsilver Ore. Any reason? I assume it's just a "Got a lot of shit to load to the database" kind of problem.

Anyhow, Otherwise, Lisbeth's been working pretty fantastically for me. Very happy with it!
btw when using the new lisbeth let say i want lisbeth to craft 100 potions and when i start the bot and does the first one it tells me the remaining is 20 or something close to that

if you specify 100 potions, lisbeth will do just that, make a hundred potions, which will take 34 crafts, cause low level alchemy produces 3 potions per craft. So if you want lisbeth to do the "remaining crafts" like specified in the FF window you actually have to multiply that number by 3.

so in your example when you have 20 remaining, you should ask lisbeth to make 60 potions.

it's a bit weird but you'll get used to it when making potions.
Just wondering, can we 1-60 lvl crafter class with this?

Yes, but you'll need at least level 50+ Gathere(Not counting Fisherman) to make Listbeth gatherer crafting material for you.

But the it'll be a freaking long Crafting profile though.....
Also, you might need to wait until you're able to craft and mender at your home because it'll took a long time to craft from 1-60 and it's not smart to crafting outside that long.
This is because its not worked out the best way of doing the HQ. I noticed this last night, I tried level 45 craft and after its 3rd try it HQ'd all the time. I guess the calculation for how much craftsmanship needed to complete the craft needs some work. Its just going to take some time.

I noticed if I order Lisbeth to craft the same item again it will craft HQ.
However, every new item it crafts the first try will be NQ because it just finish the crafts in the first touch. I have over 700 craftsmanship and I am doing low level recipes to gear my new jobs from LV30, most item I only need one so Lisbeth is pretty useless for this purpose at this moment until it was fixed. Workaround is I have to set order to two even I only need one item, which doubles the time and cost spent :(

Toadskin Brais
- Toad leather is required, but Lisbeth wants Gigantoad Leather.

Padded Leather Duckbills
- Cannot chose Leather Duckbills from the recipe Window.
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