Darksteel Nugget - quickly synths instead of HQ
First time posting on these forums as I just joined. I thin I'm missing something here, looking for some assistance.
I'd try to synth about 15 different items from a large range of levels and it seems to work perfectly(except for recognizing 100% quality, it just keeps using CP until there is no more) except for Darksteel Nuggets. It just CZ, IQ, then CS 2's. I've tried changing the strategy
- Name: Darksteel Nugget
Amount: 1
Job: Blacksmith
Strategy: Black Lotus
from Black Lotus, to nothing, to the other couple of options...same result every time. Thoughts please?
Logs Below.
[02:36:13.685 N] [Lisbeth] Lisbeth 1.4
[02:36:13.698 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 3136 recipes.
[02:36:13.699 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 1 macros.
[02:36:13.699 N] [Lisbeth] Craftsmanship: 455 | Control: 410
[02:36:13.701 N] [Lisbeth] ROOT
[02:36:13.701 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Darksteel Nugget (5061) | Amount: 6 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 6
[02:36:13.701 N] [Lisbeth] As you wish, master!
[02:36:13.929 N] Connection to established.
[02:36:14.416 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Darksteel Nugget (5061) | Amount: 6 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 6
[02:36:16.334 N] [Synthesize] Crafting Darksteel Nugget (5061) via 1207
[02:36:17.323 N] [Lisbeth] Remaining Amount: 6
[02:36:18.366 N] [Lisbeth] Using Comfort Zone.
[02:36:18.366 D] DoAction Spell 286 0xE0000000
[02:36:20.457 N] [Lisbeth] Using Tricks of the Trade.
[02:36:20.457 D] DoAction CraftAction 100098 0xE0000000
[02:36:23.537 N] [Lisbeth] Using Inner Quiet.
[02:36:23.537 D] DoAction Spell 253 0xE0000000
[02:36:25.572 N] [Lisbeth] Using Careful Synthesis II.
[02:36:25.572 D] DoAction CraftAction 100069 0xE0000000
[02:36:28.331 N] Stopping the bot. Reason

ushed the stop button.
[02:36:28.373 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[02:36:28.373 N] Connection closed!
[02:36:28.374 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[02:36:28.374 N] Clearing all hooks.
[02:36:28.374 D] Replaced hook [PreCombatBuff] 83181be5-7905-40a8-9a91-679082361bf8
[02:36:28.374 D] Replaced hook [Heal] 99d03121-b2c3-4b84-8529-fcd337dda877
[02:36:28.374 D] Replaced hook [Pull] 6e3603ab-fc13-4d42-a832-c66c2700cf87
[02:36:28.374 D] Replaced hook [CombatBuff] fcdd940e-235e-4cf4-86c6-eb2336e365a4
[02:36:28.374 D] Replaced hook [Combat] 60dcad5c-5cbe-4308-9ba5-a175b55ca1dc
[02:36:28.374 D] Replaced hook [Rest] 8558bc68-6c72-4ac6-a083-e89a28fe3c25
[02:36:28.374 D] Navigator.Clear()
[02:36:28.374 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[02:36:28.374 D] OnStop event
[02:36:28.374 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[02:36:28.374 N] Bot Thread Ended.