Their mistake was making the recipe level of things go 55..70..90..110 , if they just kept 55 , 56, 57, 58 (4 star) , and ingenuity2 lower recipe level by 5 levels, ingenuity 1 by 3 things would be easy, for them to code and for us to code, and more logical to the player and the strategies would change by very little if they changed at all.
But right now... from limited testing I can see them doing random shit there might be a pattern behind it, but it's not consistent with vanilla.
You're level 50 crafting recipe level 115 OR 120 (same thing somehow, go figure), you get a huge penalty (1%~ harder than i110), the moment you hit 51 and craft a 115 you get a BONUS not a penalty on progress, but you get a PENALTY for quality (very very small one), something that never occured pre-heavensward, it used to be any recipe lower than your level would give you a bonus for progress and nothing for quality, but now recipe is 115 you're 51-60 and you're still getting a bonus on progress.
Doesn't seem like the changed the curves for either progress(it's not linear) or quality because fixing level penalty makes everything work again.