As you said, it's basically Lisbeth + GatherAssist + Merchant Buyer + Mob Grinding. See, here's the end game: you tell her what you want to make, say one Toadskin Jacket or one of everything in the weaver's log, and as long as you have the appropriate gear sets on the settings file (this time with Miner, Botanist, etc) it'll make it without needing you to do anything. It'll go out there and kill toads until it has enough skins, it'll go out there and mine the alumen, it'll go to vendors and buy the low level stuff, and then craft it. The idea is that you don't have to worry about the "how" to get something, you just ask it and you get it. You can now give not only Craft Orders, but Gather Orders, Buy Orders, and Grind Orders. You just specify:
- Name
- Amount
And it'll get it for you (again, as long as you have the correct gear sets). If it were to be more simple than this, Apple would sue me. This might start to sound like OrderBot, but my intention is not to make it an OrderBot. It is focused on economic production only. The simplicity of use comes with its limitations: it won't do questing ever, it won't have conditionals, it won't level you up, it won't do your laundry, clean your dishes, nor buy the mother's day flowers you forgot. That's why it's taking me a while to get it out, right now it buys from vendors, gathers, and crafts; I'm missing the grinding. And of course, the crafting logic is completely different, using deterministic tree searches instead of behavior trees.