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[Lisbeth] Your own personal crafter!

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[01:15:21.773 N] [Lisbeth] Lisbeth 1.4
[01:15:21.788 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 3136 recipes.
[01:15:21.789 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 0 macros.
[01:15:21.789 N] [Lisbeth] Craftsmanship: 137 | Control: 147
[01:15:21.797 N] [Lisbeth] ROOT
[01:15:21.797 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Silver Ingot (5064) | Amount: 70 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 70
[01:15:21.797 N] [Lisbeth] As you wish, master!
[01:15:31.205 N] Connection to established.
[01:15:32.138 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Silver Ingot (5064) | Amount: 70 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 70
[01:15:34.037 N] [Synthesize] Crafting Silver Ingot (5064) via 725
[01:15:34.834 N] [Lisbeth] Remaining Amount: 70
[01:15:36.278 N] [Lisbeth] Using Steady Hand.
[01:15:36.278 D] DoAction Spell 247 0xE0000000
[01:15:37.740 N] [Lisbeth] Using Inner Quiet.
[01:15:37.740 D] DoAction Spell 255 0xE0000000
[01:15:39.244 N] [Lisbeth] Using Basic Touch.
[01:15:39.244 D] DoAction CraftAction 100076 0xE0000000
[01:15:42.180 N] [Lisbeth] Using Basic Touch.
[01:15:42.180 D] DoAction CraftAction 100076 0xE0000000
[01:15:45.138 N] [Lisbeth] Using Basic Touch.
[01:15:45.138 D] DoAction CraftAction 100076 0xE0000000
[01:15:48.105 N] [Lisbeth] Using Master's Mend.
[01:15:48.105 D] DoAction CraftAction 100077 0xE0000000
[01:15:51.008 N] [Lisbeth] Using Steady Hand.
[01:15:51.008 D] DoAction Spell 247 0xE0000000
[01:15:52.507 N] [Lisbeth] Using Basic Touch.
[01:15:52.507 D] DoAction CraftAction 100076 0xE0000000
[01:15:55.439 N] [Lisbeth] Using Basic Touch.
[01:15:55.439 D] DoAction CraftAction 100076 0xE0000000
[01:15:58.385 N] [Lisbeth] Using Basic Touch.
[01:15:58.385 D] DoAction CraftAction 100076 0xE0000000
[01:16:01.276 N] [Lisbeth] Using Basic Synthesis.
[01:16:01.276 D] DoAction CraftAction 100075 0xE0000000
[01:16:07.172 N] [Synthesize] We don't know the required recipe.
[01:16:07.172 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:[Synthesize] We don't know the required recipe.
[01:16:07.172 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[01:16:07.173 N] Connection closed!
[01:16:07.174 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[01:16:07.174 N] Clearing all hooks.
[01:16:07.174 D] Added new hook [PreCombatLogic] dc842139-7caa-406e-be99-593c8ab01703
[01:16:07.174 N] [Zekken] Avoidance hooked.
[01:16:07.174 D] Navigator.Clear()
[01:16:07.174 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[01:16:07.174 D] OnStop event
[01:16:07.174 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[01:16:07.174 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
[01:16:07.174 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?

Can someone please help me...whats the problem
when the 'HQ' things is produce...the bot will stop auomaticaly
Can someone please help me...whats the problem
when the 'HQ' things is produce...the bot will stop auomaticaly

As stated several times in the thread before this post. There is a temperamental error that exists between Agil and Lisbeth. With luck it should be nulled with the release of Lisbeth 2.0, but until then, one option you have is to move the Agil folder out of your plugins to a temporary location, restart the bot, then run your crafting session.

Keep in mind, this will disable you ability to auto-repair through Agil, so, just be mindful of that.

The other option you have is to roll Agil back to an earlier update, and for instructions on that, look through the older posts in this thread.

Next, be sure to post your entire error log. ALWAYS. While a snippet may help to isolate the problem, a full log gives the developer, and other people who want to help, a much, much better picture to work with to help you.

Finally, get into a habit of reading through the threads of the individual plugins/CRs/Profiles you have a problem with. More often than not, other people are having the same issue, and even more often than that, there is some type of fix or workaround in that thread.

Good luck!

Note: I do not see Agil hooked or not, but again, full log would give us better info to help you.
I had to just disable Agil in the text file for Lisbeth and I stopped running into 'We don't know the required recipe' error. I still have the actual plugin enabled with no issues.
so I found a kink, I am making growth formula delta concentrate, lisbeth made all the growth formula delta nq and doing the same on the concentrate, it buffs and does 2 rapid synths then increases quality once and finishes synth, over 100 synths and all of them have done exactly the same, have not ran into this ever before

EDIT: scratch that, was missing manipulation from my cross class
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Probably shouldn't use rapid synth on 2 stars anyways, just ingenuity2 +cs2.
I thought I had asked before but after looking back about 20 pages or so I didn't see my question posted anywhere.
Can we get a strategy designed for just completing synths? (NQ) obviously, there are items that it could be useful for, that are 1 star or greater. I know you can make a custom macro and it's not all that complicated, but there are many items that this could be potentially useful for! If I could just quick synth, I would, unfortunately that's not an option for 1 stars and greater.

If you're willing to do this, great! I'd really appreciate it. If not, no big deal, I suppose I can always just make custom macros. :)
So I was trying to make some Elm lumber today, and whenever I start the program I am getting this message. It was working fine for crafting Maple/Ash lumber.

[20:16:35.306 N] [Lisbeth] Lisbeth 1.4
[20:16:35.331 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 3136 recipes.
[20:16:35.335 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 1 macros.
[20:16:35.335 N] [Lisbeth] Craftsmanship: 86 | Control: 70
[20:16:35.339 N] [Lisbeth] ROOT
[20:16:35.339 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Elm Lumber (5367) | Amount: 196 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 196
[20:16:35.339 N] [Lisbeth] As you wish, master!
[20:16:35.402 N] Connection to established.
[20:16:35.887 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Elm Lumber (5367) | Amount: 196 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 196
[20:16:38.997 N] [Synthesize] Crafting Elm Lumber (5367) via 1037
[20:16:40.036 N] [Lisbeth] Remaining Amount: 196
[20:16:40.550 D] System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at ff14bot.RemoteWindows.Synthesis.GetProperty(String key)
at ff14bot.Managers.CraftingManager.get_Progress()
at Lisbeth.Calibrator.Calibrate() in c:\Users\Davin\Desktop\Reborn Buddy\BotBases\Lisbeth\Crafting\Calibrator.cs:line 34
at Lisbeth.Calibrator.<CreateBehavior>b__0(Object r) in c:\Users\Davin\Desktop\Reborn Buddy\BotBases\Lisbeth\Crafting\Calibrator.cs:line 20
at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Action.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Sequence.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at ff14bot.TreeRoot.()
[20:17:00.905 D] System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at ff14bot.RemoteWindows.Synthesis.GetProperty(String key)
at ff14bot.Managers.CraftingManager.get_Progress()
at Lisbeth.Calibrator.Calibrate() in c:\Users\Davin\Desktop\Reborn Buddy\BotBases\Lisbeth\Crafting\Calibrator.cs:line 34
at Lisbeth.Calibrator.<CreateBehavior>b__0(Object r) in c:\Users\Davin\Desktop\Reborn Buddy\BotBases\Lisbeth\Crafting\Calibrator.cs:line 20
at TreeSharp.Action.RunAction(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Action.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Sequence.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.Decorator.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at TreeSharp.PrioritySelector.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
at TreeSharp.Composite.Tick(Object context)
at ff14bot.TreeRoot.()
Currently I am a high level crafter(lv 50 all crafts, artisians(fully melded), and all supras with the exception of LTW and WVR)

The problem I have with most of these rotations is the only one useful to me is Hasty and Kinky. With all the Cross Class Skills and the ability to 100% HQ with NQ materials, sometimes even faster than the bot could do with Hasty and Kinky is insane. Especially when it comes to crafting a large supply. The faster it is to be done, the less waiting needed from the user.


lv 40-50 item craft with 40 durability:

Rosewood Lumber as an Example

Careful synths to 75%
Masters mend
(Hits all tricks of trade from here on)
Inner quiet
Steady Hand 2
Hasty Touch
Hasty Touch
Hasty Touch
Masters mend
repeat till no cp/100%quality

If no misses(236CP): FFXIVCrafter.com - Simulator [Rosewood Lumber]

Inner Quiet
Steady Hand II
Great Strides
Advanced Touch
Great Strides
Advanced Touch
Steady Hand II
Ingenuity II
Great Strides
Bryegot's Blessing
Standard Synthesis
Advanced Touch

Never Fails (349CP) aka fully melded Artisian's without food, if you wanted food it would be 349+43=392CP or lv 50 gear with HQ Boubalise 331CP+43CP(food)=374 CP
FFXIVCrafter.com - Simulator [Rosewood Lumber]

I'll be glad to see what Lisbeth 2.0 has to offer in terms of 100% no fail rotations.
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Seems there is a little bit of interest, I'll explain a little bit about how Lisbeth 2.0 works, and why it's taking me so much time. Setting aside obvious bugs, as wonder1995, the current Lisbeth has a lot of problems, mostly stemming from its decision making: it uses behavior trees, like a combat routine, to craft. The thing is that crafting is not the kind of problem that lends itself to behavior trees, because it is mostly predictive. In order to know what skill to use on Step 1, you need a good grasp on what you'll do on Step 2 -> Step 30.

Crafting in FFXIV can be modeled as a decision tree, where each node encapsulates all the variables relevant to the craft. You use a skill on a node, and produce a new node with different stats. This kind of problem is difficult to solve because it ends in a combinatorial explosion. Setting aside randomness, just to find the "ideal macro" for a specific recipe with specific stats, considering around 15 or so usable skills, and 25 or so total steps for large crafts, you'd need to search 25^15 nodes. It's a very big number, and even the fastest computer would spend hours, if not days calculating it at full throttle.

Because of this, some people have tried to use stochastic search methods, like evolutive algorithms, to find the "ideal macro". This site gives you a good example. However, after thinking it through, I decided to try a different approach. Lisbeth 2.0 is based around a deterministic search algorithm, that uses some very aggressive pruning techniques based on assumptions and patterns that good crafters out there have shown to use. It uses a "divide and conquer" approach to the search, splitting the entire 30+ steps into stages with specific goals, and then performs some secret sauce magic to combine the results. Here's how it looks like:

Input are the player's stats, recipe stats, and known skills. All of this input can be changed to whatever. This is for Twinthread:


The output is a static sequence of skills that maximizes quality while guaranteeing completion. Basically, the "ideal macro":


Now that the static macro generation is working, I'm finishing the final touches for the "real time" solver, which takes into account the randomness of conditions. It took me a long time to figure out the exact algorithm, make the internal simulator needed to expand the tree, test it, etc. I am happy with the results so far, so I've began to make the Rebornbuddy part of it (which is minimal, just send spells and read stats) and then I'll further test it inside the game to see how it goes.

Hopefully it should work well, so far it's beaten all the "macro generators" out there that I've tested against. Now it's just a matter of implementing it into Rebornbuddy.
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