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[Lisbeth] Your own personal crafter!

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i had a suggestion dont know if its possible is there anyway to add quicksynth to lisbeth? sometimes i just want to craft a shit ton of mats and dosent matter if its NQ and quicksynth seems to be the fastest way to do that. would be awsome if i could just tell lisbeth everything i want to quicksynth and it did them all

Macro: Fast.yaml


-Ingenuity II
-CS 2
-CS 2
-CS 2
-CS 2
-CS 2
-CS 2

i kind a having a really annoying problem >.<
say i set my character to craft 23 yew lumber, she craft one yew lumber and the bot stop.

[09:36:24.963 N] [Synthesize] We don't know the required recipe.
[09:36:24.963 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:[Synthesize] We don't know the required recipe.
[09:36:24.963 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[09:36:24.964 N] Connection closed!
[09:36:25.047 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[09:36:25.047 N] Clearing all hooks.
[09:36:25.047 D] Navigator.Clear()
[09:36:25.047 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[09:36:25.047 D] OnStop event
[09:36:25.047 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?

any advise on this would be really much appreciated, tq.

EDIT: ah i found something bout rolling back to older version. will try.
Having the same problem here, will post logs
[17:35:08.966 N] [Lisbeth] Calibrating 254 with 33.
[17:35:10.029 D] DoAction Spell 246 0xE0000000
[17:35:11.434 D] DoAction CraftAction 100108 0xE0000000
[17:35:17.450 D] DoAction CraftAction 100032 0xE0000000
[17:35:20.516 D] DoAction CraftAction 100098 0xE0000000
[17:35:23.568 D] DoAction CraftAction 100108 0xE0000000
[17:35:26.550 D] DoAction CraftAction 100034 0xE0000000
[17:35:29.545 D] DoAction Spell 246 0xE0000000
[17:35:32.456 D] DoAction CraftAction 100108 0xE0000000
[17:35:35.386 D] DoAction CraftAction 100098 0xE0000000
[17:35:38.300 D] DoAction CraftAction 100063 0xE0000000
[17:35:44.194 N] [Synthesize] We don't know the required recipe.
[17:35:44.194 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:[Synthesize] We don't know the required recipe.
[17:35:44.194 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[17:35:44.194 N] Connection closed!
[17:35:44.196 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[17:35:44.196 N] Clearing all hooks.
[17:35:44.196 D] Added new hook [PreCombatLogic] 0e99409e-f2da-4d8d-8bf0-608fd970b31a
[17:35:44.196 N] [Zekken] Avoidance hooked.
[17:35:44.196 D] Navigator.Clear()
[17:35:44.196 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[17:35:44.196 D] OnStop event
[17:35:44.196 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[17:35:44.196 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?

Was crafting 181 steel ingots, been happening constantly after 4-6 crafts or so

Should also mention something a little off as well

Example: Using class Armorer to craft Steel Rings, have the job set in the orders notepad
Except when needing to craft Steel Ingots, it switches over to Blacksmith

Any help appreciated
Last edited:
If anyone is having issues with lisbeth, Disabling agil seems to fix the issue as that is killing the synthesis for me.
@Neverdyne This isn't so much a complaint as it is personal preference and my OCD lol. Those red exclamation marks from the SVN settings, orders etc. in Lisbeth and Agil. I just love the Green marks showing everything is perfect.

I understand why it happens but is there anyway to fix it, since we can't copy this files exactly from you? If not, I guess I just have to live with it. I'm not giving up these great plugins lol.
That's nowhere near as fast as the rapid synth function. The goal is to synth certain items as fast as possible.

Ya but its 100% fidelity, you could very easily bust Rapids for days plus you would need to add a line for SH2, most "mat" items can be finished with 1/2 CS2's.
Ya but its 100% fidelity, you could very easily bust Rapids for days plus you would need to add a line for SH2, most "mat" items can be finished with 1/2 CS2's.

If you're busting Rapids for days then you're doing it wrong. It's very purpose is for mass production. You do know we're talking about the sort of Ingame bot and not a skill right?
your missing the boat on this one, rapid can fail with SH... and at even a higher rate without SH...

So for a 233 synth

Ingenuty II

Completes 100%



same steps but 100% vs 80%
Having the same problem here, will post logs
[17:35:08.966 N] [Lisbeth] Calibrating 254 with 33.
[17:35:10.029 D] DoAction Spell 246 0xE0000000
[17:35:11.434 D] DoAction CraftAction 100108 0xE0000000
[17:35:17.450 D] DoAction CraftAction 100032 0xE0000000
[17:35:20.516 D] DoAction CraftAction 100098 0xE0000000
[17:35:23.568 D] DoAction CraftAction 100108 0xE0000000
[17:35:26.550 D] DoAction CraftAction 100034 0xE0000000
[17:35:29.545 D] DoAction Spell 246 0xE0000000
[17:35:32.456 D] DoAction CraftAction 100108 0xE0000000
[17:35:35.386 D] DoAction CraftAction 100098 0xE0000000
[17:35:38.300 D] DoAction CraftAction 100063 0xE0000000
[17:35:44.194 N] [Synthesize] We don't know the required recipe.
[17:35:44.194 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:[Synthesize] We don't know the required recipe.
[17:35:44.194 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[17:35:44.194 N] Connection closed!
[17:35:44.196 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[17:35:44.196 N] Clearing all hooks.
[17:35:44.196 D] Added new hook [PreCombatLogic] 0e99409e-f2da-4d8d-8bf0-608fd970b31a
[17:35:44.196 N] [Zekken] Avoidance hooked.
[17:35:44.196 D] Navigator.Clear()
[17:35:44.196 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[17:35:44.196 D] OnStop event
[17:35:44.196 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[17:35:44.196 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?

Was crafting 181 steel ingots, been happening constantly after 4-6 crafts or so

Should also mention something a little off as well

Example: Using class Armorer to craft Steel Rings, have the job set in the orders notepad
Except when needing to craft Steel Ingots, it switches over to Blacksmith

Any help appreciated

Having this same issue as well but mine is stopping after 2-3 crafts... am i doing something wrong with the files?
I was running Lisbeth on my Goldsmith. It had just finished one task in the to do order and was switching to another task when Rebornbuddy suddenly switched to my main battle class. There was a piece of gear missing on the battle character, and the game kept spamming a warning about the missing gear. I got shut down and received an email from Square Enix (owner of FFXIV) stating that there had been unauthorized behavior on my account. They forced me to change my password, but there was no suspension or ban.

Each time I attempted to create Mythril Ingots with my goldsmith, Rebornbuddy did the same thing (switched to my main battle class). I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that I have made these ingots in the past with a different crafting class? Perhaps this is confusing the bot?
Maybe it's your settings file?

As you can see mine is all over the place where the gear set # is .

UseAgil: False

UseHqMatsFirst: true

UseMacros: false

Debug: false

  - Job: Weaver
    GearSet: 5
    Craftsmanship: 344
    Control: 333
  - Job: Carpenter
    GearSet: 5
    Craftsmanship: 0
    Control: 0
  - Job: Goldsmith
    GearSet: 6
    Craftsmanship: 344
    Control: 333
  - Job: Leatherworker
    GearSet: 7
    Craftsmanship: 344
    Control: 333
  - Job: Alchemist
    GearSet: 19
    Craftsmanship: 0
    Control: 0
  - Job: Culinarian
    GearSet: 0
    Craftsmanship: 0
    Control: 0
  - Job: Blacksmith
    GearSet: 0
    Craftsmanship: 0
    Control: 0
I bought Mythril Ingots from the market board and made Mythril Rings for almost 10 lvls. I deleted the files in the settings folder for Rebornbuddy, I redownloaded the bot, and replaced all of the old files. I logged out of the game, and I rebooted my computer. But, when I attempt to create Mythril Ingots with my Goldsmith it still loads my Paladin.

[05:07:04.626 N] Clearing all hooks.
[05:07:04.626 D] Navigator.Clear()
[05:07:04.628 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[05:07:04.628 D] OnStop event
[05:07:04.719 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[06:04:01.179 N] [Lisbeth] Lisbeth 1.4
[06:04:01.200 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 3136 recipes.
[06:04:01.203 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 1 macros.
[06:04:01.203 N] [Lisbeth] Craftsmanship: 470 | Control: 426
[06:04:01.205 N] [Lisbeth] ROOT
[06:04:01.205 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Mythril Ingot (5065) | Amount: 99 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 99
[06:04:01.205 N] [Lisbeth] As you wish, master!
[06:04:01.415 N] Connection to ......... established.
[06:04:01.900 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Mythril Ingot (5065) | Amount: 99 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 99
[06:04:04.903 N] [Lisbeth] Switch | Job: Blacksmith | Set: 2 | Node: Mythril Ingot
[06:04:05.142 N] Building Actioncache
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Sprint Action Id:3
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Fast Blade Action Id:9
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Rampart Action Id:10
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Savage Blade Action Id:11
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Convalescence Action Id:12
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Awareness Action Id:13
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Flash Action Id:14
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Riot Blade Action Id:15
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Shield Bash Action Id:16
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Provoke Action Id:18
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Fight or Flight Action Id:20
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Rage of Halone Action Id:21
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Shield Lob Action Id:24
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Shield Swipe Action Id:25
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Sword Oath Action Id:26
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Cure Action Id:120
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Raise Action Id:125
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Protect Action Id:123
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Testudo Action Id:1558
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Glory Slash Action Id:1559
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Full Swing Action Id:1562
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Enliven Action Id:1580
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Purify Action Id:1584
[06:04:05.145 N] Done building Actioncache
[06:04:05.146 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
[06:04:05.146 D] Kupo [GladiatorPaladin] v1.0.261.0
[06:04:05.146 D] Ultima v1.0.0.0
[06:04:05.146 N] [Ultima] Loading: Paladin
[06:04:07.712 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Pushed the stop button.
[06:04:07.712 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[06:04:07.713 N] Connection closed!
[06:04:07.714 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[06:04:07.714 N] Clearing all hooks.
[06:04:07.714 D] Navigator.Clear()
[06:04:07.714 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[06:04:07.714 D] OnStop event
[06:04:07.751 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?

PLEASE NOTE that it says "Blacksmith" but I loaded it under GOLDSMITH and got PALADIN.
Last edited:
I bought Mythril Ingots from the market board and made Mythril Rings for almost 10 lvls. I deleted the files in the settings folder for Rebornbuddy, I redownloaded the bot, and replaced all of the old files. I logged out of the game, and I rebooted my computer. But, when I attempt to create Mythril Ingots with my Goldsmith it still loads my Paladin.

[05:07:04.626 N] Clearing all hooks.
[05:07:04.626 D] Navigator.Clear()
[05:07:04.628 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[05:07:04.628 D] OnStop event
[05:07:04.719 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[06:04:01.179 N] [Lisbeth] Lisbeth 1.4
[06:04:01.200 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 3136 recipes.
[06:04:01.203 N] [Lisbeth] Loaded 1 macros.
[06:04:01.203 N] [Lisbeth] Craftsmanship: 470 | Control: 426
[06:04:01.205 N] [Lisbeth] ROOT
[06:04:01.205 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Mythril Ingot (5065) | Amount: 99 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 99
[06:04:01.205 N] [Lisbeth] As you wish, master!
[06:04:01.415 N] Connection to ......... established.
[06:04:01.900 N] [Lisbeth] Craft | Mythril Ingot (5065) | Amount: 99 | Retrieved: 0 | Crafts: 99
[06:04:04.903 N] [Lisbeth] Switch | Job: Blacksmith | Set: 2 | Node: Mythril Ingot
[06:04:05.142 N] Building Actioncache
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Sprint Action Id:3
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Fast Blade Action Id:9
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Rampart Action Id:10
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Savage Blade Action Id:11
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Convalescence Action Id:12
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Awareness Action Id:13
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Flash Action Id:14
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Riot Blade Action Id:15
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Shield Bash Action Id:16
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Provoke Action Id:18
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Fight or Flight Action Id:20
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Rage of Halone Action Id:21
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Shield Lob Action Id:24
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Shield Swipe Action Id:25
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Sword Oath Action Id:26
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Cure Action Id:120
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Raise Action Id:125
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Protect Action Id:123
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Testudo Action Id:1558
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Glory Slash Action Id:1559
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Full Swing Action Id:1562
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Enliven Action Id:1580
[06:04:05.145 N] Action Name:Purify Action Id:1584
[06:04:05.145 N] Done building Actioncache
[06:04:05.146 D] [RoutineManager] Routines have been reloaded. Current class-specific list:
[06:04:05.146 D] Kupo [GladiatorPaladin] v1.0.261.0
[06:04:05.146 D] Ultima v1.0.0.0
[06:04:05.146 N] [Ultima] Loading: Paladin
[06:04:07.712 N] Stopping the bot. Reason:Pushed the stop button.
[06:04:07.712 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[06:04:07.713 N] Connection closed!
[06:04:07.714 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[06:04:07.714 N] Clearing all hooks.
[06:04:07.714 D] Navigator.Clear()
[06:04:07.714 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Bot stopped
[06:04:07.714 D] OnStop event
[06:04:07.751 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?

PLEASE NOTE that it says "Blacksmith" but I loaded it under GOLDSMITH and got PALADIN.

You have to edit your settings to match the correct gearset for each class. Here's a look at an example of mine.

UseAgil: False

UseHqMatsFirst: True

UseMacros: false

Debug: true

- Job: Weaver
GearSet: 14
Craftsmanship: 0
Control: 0
- Job: Carpenter
GearSet: 11
Craftsmanship: 0
Control: 0
- Job: Blacksmith
GearSet: 9
Craftsmanship: 0
Control: 0
- Job: Armorer
GearSet: 10
Craftsmanship: 0
Control: 0
- Job: Goldsmith
GearSet: 15
Craftsmanship: 0
Control: 0
- Job: Leatherworker
GearSet: 12
Craftsmanship: 0
Control: 0
- Job: Alchemist
GearSet: 13
Craftsmanship: 0
Control: 0
- Job: Culinarian
GearSet: 8
Craftsmanship: 0
Control: 0
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