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likWarrior CC by likwid818


"The Bee"
Jan 15, 2010
It plays the Warrior class in any stance (combat style) - it's thoroughly tested up through level 80 in Battle Stance, Defensive Stance, and Berserker Stance (Using Arms/Fury/Prot trees)



This is now the official Honorbuddy Warrior CC!


* Use of Hamstring is disabled by default. If you want to use it, then enable it - please let me know if there are any issues with it, as it is not very tested.

* Use of RANGED PULLING is DISABLED by default. Having this enabled with low level characters that do not have ranged weapons or the Taunt ability WILL CAUSE PROBLEMS.


If you are using a CURRENT version of Honorbuddy (that uses NavMesh) download the file called 'Warrior.cs' and place it in your CustomClasses folder OVERWRITING THE EXISTING ONE.


Configuration is done through the GUI configuration menu, which is accessed automatically the first time you run likWarrior, and then after that it is accessed by pressing the F12 key on your keyboard. The GUI will pop up with all current options. Select your options and press Save. For best results, do not run the configuration GUI while Honorbuddy is botting.

Info Panel:

This CC contains an information panel, containing Kills/Loots/Deaths, Kills Per Hour, Deaths Per Hour, Loots Per Hour, and XP Per Hour. This panel is accessed by pressing F11 on your keyboard. There is a button to reset the stats. At this time, it does not refresh on its own - so it must be closed and reopened using F11.

If you use this, please let me know how it goes for you. And remember, IF YOU ARE REPORTING A PROBLEM PLEASE ATTACH YOUR LOG!

Update on 11/25/09

* v1.0 * Changelog
Fully supports level 1-80 in every combat style.
Color coded messages reported in the log window.
Added Nesox's Configuration GUI. Press F12 to activate. (HUGE Credit to Nesox - THANKS!)
Added a Kills/Loots/Deaths and XP per Hour Info Status panel. Press F11 to activate.

* To-Do:
Still Better Targeting Logic
Fix Fear logic
Add Heroic Throw Logic to ranged pulls

Update on 11/19/09
* v0.5.5 * Changelog
Added ability to condense Crystallized elements into Eternals. Off by default. (Credit to TIA for example code)
Tweaked the logic of some abilities (bladestorm, bloodrage, berserker rage)
Tweaked timings on many abilities
Fixed Sudden Death by using a workaround for the bug in HB (Credit to Bobby53 for the workaround)
Fixed a huge bug preventing skills from being used in Berserker Stance if certain talents were not already learned. (Credit to Retsalk for bug report)

* To-Do:
Still Better Targeting Logic
Fix Fear logic
Add Heroic Throw Logic to ranged pulls

Update on 11/04/09
* v0.5 * Changelog
Full Support for levels 1-70 of every combat style
Added spell interruption/reflection logic. (Pummel and shield bash working, reflect coming soon)
Added support for Enraged Regeneration (Needs to be tested)
Added support for Last Stand
Shockwave tested and working
Fixed a bug that made it keep getting owned by casters and ranged adds.
Added support for Victory Rush in Battle and Berserker Stance.
Added support for Intercept(Berserker) when trying to get range on casters, ranged adds, or fleeing mobs.
Added support for Intercept and Charge in Def stance from the talent Warbringer.
Added support for Bladestorm in Arms.
Sudden Death (Arms) is currently broken due to a bug in HB. Will be fixed as soon as the underlying bug in HB is fixed.
Added support for Hamstring (must enable it in options, and set % to use)

* To-Do:
Still Better Targeting Logic
Fix Fear logic
Add Heroic Throw Logic to ranged pulls
Fix Sudden Death

Update on 10/16/09
* v0.4 * + MESHTEST
Added option for ranged pulling (With Heroic Throw if possible,(coming soon) if not default to ranged weapon.
Added use of Disarm in defensive combat style
Added support for Bloodsurge (Fury talent)
Fixed a bug with Shield Slam
Extensive testing of all combat styles through level 50.
Fixed a bug in Execute
Fixed a bug in Bloodthirst
Fixed a bug in Shield Slam
Fixed a bug in Revenge
Improved Defensive Combat style
Improved Add Logic
Fear Logic
Removed a lot of LUA calls, hopefully reducing the chance of WoW client disconnects

Update on 10/01/09
* v0.3 *
Added support for all combat styles
Added support for all potions
Added many logic checks
Fixed Eat logic
Tweaked combat logic
Major code clean-up

Added support for following spells: Bloodthirst, Whirlwind, Berserker Rage, Recklessness, Mortal Strike, Sunder Armor, Devastate, Revenge, Shockwave, Death Wish, Shield Block, Shield Slam, Shield Wall, Concussion Blow, Intimidating Shout

Update on 9/30/09
* v0.2 *
* Fixed Overpower.
* Fixed a bug where Bloodrage was being reported to have happened, even if it didn't happen.
* Fixed a bug where the message "Can't Charge!" was being displayed even if charge was successful.
* Added support for Dwarf racial Stoneform
* Added support for Troll racial Berserking


EDIT: Just kidding, I didn't have my spellbook updated.
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Really hoping likwid finds some time to do a little updating. Getting the same errors on a regular basis:

[3:40:07 PM:512] Target nearest enemy.
[3:40:07 PM:539] Combat Exception
[3:40:07 PM:551] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - From: ny__lsh2 at Styx.Bot.CustomClasses.Warrior.Combat() in c:\Users\Default.OFFICE\Desktop\Buddy\Honorbuddy_1_23\CustomClasses\Warrior.cs:line 296
at (Object )
at Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.CustomCombat.CustomCombat.Combat()

[3:51:01 PM:529] Combat Exception
[3:51:01 PM:550] Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - From: ny__lsh2 at Styx.Bot.CustomClasses.Warrior.CombatCheck() in c:\Users\Default.OFFICE\Desktop\Buddy\Honorbuddy_1_23\CustomClasses\Warrior.cs:line 1425
at Styx.Bot.CustomClasses.Warrior.BattleCombat() in c:\Users\Default.OFFICE\Desktop\Buddy\Honorbuddy_1_23\CustomClasses\Warrior.cs:line 1203
at Styx.Bot.CustomClasses.Warrior.Combat() in c:\Users\Default.OFFICE\Desktop\Buddy\Honorbuddy_1_23\CustomClasses\Warrior.cs:line 325
at (Object )
at Styx.Logic.Common.Combat.CustomCombat.CustomCombat.Combat()

Still bots just fine (from what I can tell). Just alot of that spamming in my logs
Hmm weird, I don't get that error ever.

Maybe redownload and reconfigure again?

Also, can someone inmplement Lifeblood into this CC for it to heal itself?
Sometimes F12 & F11 do nothing? Is there anyway we could get it to not use ranged pull & potions in BG's (we be could if we could specify use in pve but not pvp, but oh well).
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is likwid still supporting this was just wondering i have a few bugs with the cc

1-whenever i goto configure i press f12 and it brings up 2 windows which sometimes messes up the config save
2-wont use bloodthirst when in battle stance
3-always checks use bladestorm in config window (very annoying this one as i havent learnt it)

great cc really just i think it needs an update to also include better pvp logic also

thanks for uploading this to the new site tony.

i've honestly been going through a lot of IRL stuff, and that combined with not having game time on my warrior, I just really haven't had time to work on this.

it's not abandoned by any means, just slow to update ;)
thanks for uploading this to the new site tony.

i've honestly been going through a lot of IRL stuff, and that combined with not having game time on my warrior, I just really haven't had time to work on this.

it's not abandoned by any means, just slow to update ;)

It's working superbly as it is :), take your time. And know we are very thankful for it!

Also, I love your color use, I wish all my CCs were colored ^.^
Aye, if i ever bot a warrior i'll be sure to use this CC :D
Would love to see even more awesomeness in the future! ^^
I have a problem with my warrior walking backwards between mobs, this happens no matter what version of HB i'm using or whether it's fresh install or not.

If the bot dies it will walk backwards endless till i Alt-Tab out of the Window on Alt-Tab into the window.

Haven't had a problem from 1-60 but now at 61 decides to do this crap

Seems like the bot isn't recognizing a death and still trying to back away and Charge

Warbringer is Unchecked but it's still using it

Running Latest Version of HB

58-68 Horde Profile by Blikk or most common one,
Ilk Warrior 1.0
Running Windows 7 64 bit


this cc is terrible for me, it runs to the mob, aggro'ing' other mobs on the way and doesn't stop to kill them first, ive got like 20 deaths/hour lol. Still though, i appreciate the work gone into this, very user friendly. Atm I'm mosly seeing my toon spam Heroic strike, ill report later in the morning, just woke up to check on the bots lol. I think hunters where made for botting :D, apart from having to buy ammo
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Im loving the CC. Had an issue with HB originally when i started my war up with it but it was me having herbalism below required level and HB not liking it. My war is 64 (gone up 4 levels in about 5 hrs) fury specd with all slots with BOA gear available equipped (nothing more satisfying seeing an arc reaper and a truesilver champion being dual wielded ;) ). The guy doesnt die and its fighting stuff his own level and upto 2 higher. Hell he comes out of most fights with full health due to how the cc utilises my toons spells/skillz. Very impressed indeed. Oh and as for not killing stuff after body pulls, my guy eventually kills theml, hes in plate after all.
this cc is terrible for me, it runs to the mob, aggro'ing' other mobs on the way and doesn't stop to kill them first, ive got like 20 deaths/hour lol. Still though, i appreciate the work gone into this, very user friendly. Atm I'm mosly seeing my toon spam Heroic strike, ill report later in the morning, just woke up to check on the bots lol. I think hunters where made for botting :D, apart from having to buy ammo

you must be playing a low level toon. the targetting logic does need worked on, but what you're seeing is a bug with HB.
Have some problems with ranged pull, last version downloaded dosn't use my equiped gun, doing only body pulls, and yes i've checked it in the config form. With previous cc versions it works.
Also after the ranged pull the toon continues to move versus the target most of the time agroing other mobs, is it possible to just let toon wait for the mob after the pull and move only if the mob is a caster?
does this cc support bloodthirst in battle stance mine is not using it currently lvl 71. have tried to upload a log but site wont let me atm sorry if needs be i will post one another time when site is working properly
doesn't seem to support bloodthirst.. which really sucks as its alot of dps going off.. or it does in berserker stance.. but i want it in battle stance lol

I just edited the 0.55 likwar to use bloodthirst in battlestance. which is nice!
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Bloodthirst is working for me but in Bezerker stance.

For me everything works perfect however I intend to add the Lifeblood heal from Herbalism in place of potions.
I've started to use this on my warrior and have to say looking good so far :) excellent work