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What he was trying to say was... Make your own CC if there isnt one you want and don't depend on others to just make one for you "ASAP" (Unless your paying money).
But to the OP. Yea you're going to have to make one yourself or use what is available (Or hire a coder).
Also INB4 "We paid for the bot". The forum was open to look and see what was available before you got the bot.
Well saying ezunholy is decent is a strech cause its incomplete, if i remember its not using blood runes. Anyways Id love to see mastahg complete it and am willing to chip some in (and it have a menu), but itd need to be a group effort from dk community here.
I could easily just take the ezfrost stuff and modify it to unholy and bring ezunholy up2date but im quite busy these days. I'm trying to find a job(company went bibi), working on paid + sponsored projects(expect a rogue raiding+leveling cc similar to vanguard soon), and working out (im a fatty ). I try and support the projects I've already established but I need todo what I can to make ends meet. I've already got some donations towards getting ezunholy revived, anymore would be greatly appreciated.