i'm looking for a pluggin or profile that can level up first aid 1-700 totally afk in Warspear.
As you know with the WoD update we can now lvl up first aid 1-700 by only fishing in warspear enormous sea scoprion fish and right click on them to get sea scorpion fragment to create first-aid item 5pts by item created.
Anyone can create a plugin or profile that can do all the step to lvl first aid 1-700 plz
this plugin or profile must do :
fish in warspear near the fish trainer
turn in enormous sea scorpion into fragment
and craft first aid item that use scorpion fragment
i'm looking for a pluggin or profile that can level up first aid 1-700 totally afk in Warspear.
As you know with the WoD update we can now lvl up first aid 1-700 by only fishing in warspear enormous sea scoprion fish and right click on them to get sea scorpion fragment to create first-aid item 5pts by item created.
Anyone can create a plugin or profile that can do all the step to lvl first aid 1-700 plz
this plugin or profile must do :
fish in warspear near the fish trainer
turn in enormous sea scorpion into fragment
and craft first aid item that use scorpion fragment