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I am sure plenty of people would enjoy a profile that leveled them by grinding for the many drop pets. Here is an example of the leveling brackets that could be used.
22-29 Wetlands - Crimson Whelpling
30-33 Alterac Mountains - Black Tabby
34-39 Swamp of Sorrows - Emerald Whelpling
40-42 Badlands - Dark Whelping*
43-44 Dustwallow Marsh - Dark Whelpling*
45-47 STV - Hyacinth Macaw*
48-50 Felwood - Disgusting Oozeling**
51-53 Ungoro Crater - Disgusting Oozeling**
54-57 WPL - Disgusting Oozeling
58-60 EPL - Disgusting Oozeling
60-67 Zangarmarsh - Captured Firefly ***
68-74 Northrend - Farming Eternals/Mats****
75-80 Zul'drak - Gundrak Hatchling
* = These can all be moved around because they are for around the same mob level, and they cover a lot of ground, although grinding level 47 will be tough as you out level many of the mobs, but Mixed-Mode leveling will help a lot.
** = These can be adjusted as well because they are the same mob level.
*** = This is a bit of a stretch and is only possible for the last few levels because of Mixed-Mode getting BG Exp. If you can time this during a BG weekend you can reap some huge benefits; otherwise it can be a bit of a struggle.
**** = There isn't any known pets to grind here so a good Eternal grinding profile would work well to cover this gap.
Note: This profile may have issues to the mobs being on different continents and may require the user to manually move the character at times.
Good luck to whomever wishes to take on this task.
22-29 Wetlands - Crimson Whelpling
30-33 Alterac Mountains - Black Tabby
34-39 Swamp of Sorrows - Emerald Whelpling
40-42 Badlands - Dark Whelping*
43-44 Dustwallow Marsh - Dark Whelpling*
45-47 STV - Hyacinth Macaw*
48-50 Felwood - Disgusting Oozeling**
51-53 Ungoro Crater - Disgusting Oozeling**
54-57 WPL - Disgusting Oozeling
58-60 EPL - Disgusting Oozeling
60-67 Zangarmarsh - Captured Firefly ***
68-74 Northrend - Farming Eternals/Mats****
75-80 Zul'drak - Gundrak Hatchling
* = These can all be moved around because they are for around the same mob level, and they cover a lot of ground, although grinding level 47 will be tough as you out level many of the mobs, but Mixed-Mode leveling will help a lot.
** = These can be adjusted as well because they are the same mob level.
*** = This is a bit of a stretch and is only possible for the last few levels because of Mixed-Mode getting BG Exp. If you can time this during a BG weekend you can reap some huge benefits; otherwise it can be a bit of a struggle.
**** = There isn't any known pets to grind here so a good Eternal grinding profile would work well to cover this gap.
Note: This profile may have issues to the mobs being on different continents and may require the user to manually move the character at times.
Good luck to whomever wishes to take on this task.