These type of problems usually arise because a user is using a third-party Combat Routine that doesn't handle the PvE environment well. If you quest with the Honorbuddy-shipped Singular, its as smooth as glass.Questing, personally running into a ton of problems past 70 but its all we really have.
Problems are things like, the bot stopping for no reason, The bot walking back and forth constantly (Sometimes in circles), The bot targetting an enemy through the wall and just runs into the wall etc.
May need to check out the paid profiles.
These type of problems usually arise because a user is using a third-party Combat Routine that doesn't handle the PvE environment well. If you quest with the Honorbuddy-shipped Singular, its as smooth as glass.
Any issues with the shipped questing profiles should be reported to the [post=1259714]Honorbuddy Mega Profile Pack[/post] . Without a report (and a full log that illustrates it), problems simply have no chance of being addressed.
Hi, Raaz,
The Combat Routine does not participate in vendoring activities.
The HBcore is supposed to enforce line of sight to the vendor before using it. The next time it happens, please open a new thread in the Support forum, attach the log that illustrates the problem, and call out the time stamp. If we have enough details, we can open a bug report.
These type of problems usually arise because a user is using a third-party Combat Routine that doesn't handle the PvE environment well. If you quest with the Honorbuddy-shipped Singular, its as smooth as glass.
Any issues with the shipped questing profiles should be reported to the [post=1259714]Honorbuddy Mega Profile Pack[/post] . Without a report (and a full log that illustrates it), problems simply have no chance of being addressed.
What average FPS are you running at, and are you using what's default shipped with the bot?its singular that loops, and taunha that targets through walls. Both have their own problems. In Pandaria when starting Karasrang Wilds (on Horde) it tries to get a quest off the monkey when entering Valley of four, but he doesn't even give a quest. You have to complete the few quests there manually then after you start it, it'l walk down to karasarang.
Thats just 1 example of the many problems with the profile. Id report them but considering Ive come across so many, it would feel like a job to watch the bot go through it all. (Id rather play it at that point)
Im currently leveling an alliance character, kicks profile and singular routine. Ill try report any issue I have with it on this side, Just when Im level 70 for example and I leave it botting while I sleep then wake to being only 71 getting stuck just down the road from where I left off, Its a little disheartening. (Just an example of what its been like in the past)
got out of bed just check the progress... literally been 35 minutes(?) and its already stopped. NOT Smooth as glass in the slightest.
What average FPS are you running at, and are you using what's default shipped with the bot?
I rarely run across any issues with the questing pack and I run 5bots at a time.
If you set it up on HBRelog, it will pretty much go from 1 to 100 without any need of intervention at all.