Why do you remove the Arcane Tomes?
Oh, I guess I didnt see "This profile vendors EVERYTHING the bot loots."
Hi ya'll. With the 5.3 change to vendoring inscription scrolls.
Shoulder enchants no longer vendor for 18.75gwhat will change?
Btw regarding your issue with the bot un-equiping the shield for something shit , perhaps you could simply disable AutoEquip2 plugin while running the profile? Im guessing thats the thing causing it
Im preparing an account to try your profile out. Im guessing you're running it 24/7 until you get banned? Have you tried running it less , like 5-10 hours per day in order to avoid bans?
Been thinking about doin instance grinds but 300g an hour is really low not?
Does the profile also consider the max instance runs / hour and waits between runs or something?