I'm pretty confused what profile i should be running
i leveled up mining but i only have 300 gathering ( lvl 50)
I also have 300ish Goldsmithing lvl 50
Should i not be running unspoiled node profiles?
the only ones i'm seeing are for botanist too and require 350+ skill
What profile should i be running to make myself some GIL
Thanks Kindly
Copy and pasted from a somewhat outdated guide but info you need. You can compare what is in the profile (open it up, most people who write leave notes as to what chunk of code mines what)
"With patch 2.2, they added 6 new mining nodes and 7 new botanist nodes. All of which have considerably higher gathering & perception requirements.
New nodes that are 1 star need 370 Gathering and 332 Perception.
New nodes that are 2 star need 408 Gathering and 389 Perception.
Gathering 323/Perception 320
Darksteel Ore
Gold Sand
Gold Ore
Coblyn Larva
Volcanic Rock Salt
Astral Rock
Clusters (Water, Lightning, Fire, Wind, Earth, Ice)
Gathering 353
Umbral Rock You Want These For Forager Gear
Gathering 370/Perception 332
Grade 3 Soils (Thanalan, Shroud, La Noscea)"
Threads of interest: Read through these. They are littered with 1star, 2star and 3 star profiles hidden in the posts through out them that aren't part of the main first post.
https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebor...rofiles-thread-leveling-farming-grinding.html <--- try using the wind shard/crystal farm while umbral rock to get gil to help pay for HQ forager's gear and off hand. Dodore mining gear. It will cost you gil to get yourself capable of hitting 350+ mining.
https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebor...-botany-orderbot-unspoiled-nodes-farming.html <---This believe it or not if you scroll down has mining/botany only profiles. Also read through the posts from other people for other submitted profiles and how to overcome issues that come up.
This is a little outdated but still applies. Will help you with getting enough gathering and working towards best in slot gear. Google: "FFXIV Gathering Best In Slot & Max Melding" Take the first hit you see that looks appropriate.