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Legit Toons and Bots in Same Guild?

Do you merge your legit toons and your bot toons into the same guild?

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New Member
Mar 20, 2012
So far my bot account has a different guild and BNet account. About avoiding bans, do you merge your legit toons and your bot toons into the same guild? Thanks!

About merging them into the same guild:

Easier to trade goods and gold.
Helps level your guild for guild perks.

More likely chance of connecting your legit toons with illegitimate business resulting in a higher risk of multiple bans?
I've been botting for about two years now, and I've never once had a suspension or ban occur. Of course, I don't bot 24/7 either. I bot some BGs, then bot some quests, then do some gather botting, and I tend to mix things up. I bot for about 8-10 hours a day each day, maybe. I'm a conservative with my botting, and I do it on my main account as well. I only have one account. When I think things are getting shady or hinky, I just log out for a bit and do something else.
I have my bots, 2 different accounts about 7 toons, in with my main accounts raiding guild. I have actually needed to bring a bot or 2 into a raid to fill empty positions. Most days my 2 bot accounts are running GB2 profiles or Quest leveling.
I've been botting for about two years now, and I've never once had a suspension or ban occur. Of course, I don't bot 24/7 either. I bot some BGs, then bot some quests, then do some gather botting, and I tend to mix things up. I bot for about 8-10 hours a day each day, maybe. I'm a conservative with my botting, and I do it on my main account as well. I only have one account. When I think things are getting shady or hinky, I just log out for a bit and do something else.
Do you usually go afk when you bot, or do you only bot when you're near the PC with sound turned on?

Yeah, I'm conservative about botting too. I created a new Trial account for botting and upgraded it to BC. I go afk when botting on that account and usually let the bot run overnight. So far so good. With my legit account I only bot while I'm watching it, or listening to it in case I get a whisper or a GM message. I'm not sure if those methods minimize my risk any. :)
Do you usually go afk when you bot, or do you only bot when you're near the PC with sound turned on?

Yeah, I'm conservative about botting too. I created a new Trial account for botting and upgraded it to BC. I go afk when botting on that account and usually let the bot run overnight. So far so good. With my legit account I only bot while I'm watching it, or listening to it in case I get a whisper or a GM message. I'm not sure if those methods minimize my risk any. :)

I doubt they actually can ban you for evading an answer via whispering.
I bet there are addons that will disable all chat functions (at least hide them) etc.
You're not forced to answer anyone either. If someone think otherwise, please prove me wrong.

Also, as an answer to the OP: I can't really see the problem. I mean, what if you join a public guild with your main. And someone else is botting and stashing free epix in the gbank and then you take some for off-spec or w/e. Why would you get banned for that? You didn't do anything wrong.
Do you usually go afk when you bot, or do you only bot when you're near the PC with sound turned on?

Yeah, I'm conservative about botting too. I created a new Trial account for botting and upgraded it to BC. I go afk when botting on that account and usually let the bot run overnight. So far so good. With my legit account I only bot while I'm watching it, or listening to it in case I get a whisper or a GM message. I'm not sure if those methods minimize my risk any. :)

I don't let myself go AFK while botting because I generally stop it every now and then to do something like repair, empty bags, check honor/jp, buy an item with said points, and all that sort of thing. Sometimes the bot gets stuck, so I move it myself, which removes the afk flag if it ever gets up there. I also play the game with absolutely no sound. I get tired of hearing "You can't do that yet." or whatever it is that they say when they don't have enough rage/energy/mana, or things are on a CD.
What i do is, i got my main raiding chars/alt in the guild and botting chars from 2 accounts in the same guild, i usually bot 1 acc thru the night and the other bot account thru the day for aprox. 10hrs each with breaks every 1h for 5-10 mins. I am not a powerbotter as i only use gold for my personal usage on the main acc mainly either mailing items/gold from bot accounts to the main or sometimes even thru the guild bank but that's very rare.
I will go afk for short periods, normally I bot while I am playing.
I doubt they actually can ban you for evading an answer via whispering. I bet there are addons that will disable all chat functions (at least hide them) etc. You're not forced to answer anyone either.

There are addons that hide all chat functions. GM whispers supersede them. Whether your chat is disabled or not you will receive a GM window popup regardless of addon. Yes they can purposely D/C you if you do not answer. While they won't ban you ( if considered suspicious ) they will -lock- the account until you unlock it.
Lol, not only do I put bots in my main's guild, I have toons in the guild from several different botting accounts. I use the toons mainly for guild achievements, 3k flask, 10 poolfish etc. I also farm on the same toons and deposit most items into the guild bank....where I withdrawl the items on a legit account. The legit account then uses the raw mats to convert into finished profession products.......flask...potions.....raid food....JC items to be DE'ed for enchanting mats.......so on and so on.....more importantly, half my guild or better knows I run the bots...........and all seem to be pretty cool with it. Especially since I am very liberal with my gold and pretty much "BACK" the guild so to speak. I help guildies with mats for leveling profs and such, provide 24/7 guild repairs, flask, pots, etc. So, really it's in their best interests for me to be botting in the guild. It is probably in my best interest as well, kinda uses the guild as a laundering house to legitimize botted products/gold.
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technically no, but technically yes ???

most of my farmers are in other guilds, but I do pvp, dailies and lazyraid with HB on my mains
Does anyone think it would be a red flag to have items mailed from account 1 to account 2 without cod? i would find it much easier to mail the items my bot farms to my main without haveing to trade the items
Does anyone think it would be a red flag to have items mailed from account 1 to account 2 without cod? i would find it much easier to mail the items my bot farms to my main without haveing to trade the items

i have 3 toons in a same guild, mail a toon 1k gold and becamce 72h goldselling, I have no idea of ​​whether it was or it was offered through
I have two of my alts in a guild mainly dedicated to storing the items my bot farms, I usually withdraw stacks, make them into flasks, ect then return the money earned to the GB, is this a bad idea? If my bot get's caught could my main account also be banned?
I am actually guild master or officer on every single one of my botting chars
i bot in same guild i legit play in, i have auto grats and all kinds of wisper/reply addons for lazy guilding, and it always makes it seem like i am there etc, or some form of being there, and i have a addon i modified that instead of saying "Grats" its the grats one its based off if they mention bot or bots or any veriation it says 1 of 120 random sentences saying "I hate bots" or "Fuckin bots ruin the Auctionhoue" etc makes it more life like, and then when they reply to it it says lol once. but yeah no one has caught on to me botting yet.
r bots or any veriation it says 1 of 120 random sentences saying "I hate bots" or "Fuckin bots ruin the Auctionhoue" etc makes it more life like, and then when they reply to it it says lol once. but yeah no one has caught on to me botting yet.

i give u a tip, when u are boting, DONT ever type a word bot in any ingame chat