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LazyRaider Results


New Member
Nov 25, 2010
Hey guys,

Just wondering if everyone would mind posting what sort of success/failure you've had using LazyRaider and the various CCs compatible with it.
I'm looking to get back in to using the bot to raid for me and I just wanted to know how viable it is to use LazyRaider and be successful with it. (By successful, I mean fulfilling your role without everyone wondering why your DPS / Healing / Threat is so poor).

I've been using LazyRaider on my kitty Druid (ilvl 377) with the "King of the Jungle" CC and I can push out between 18-20k DPS average during a LFR raid. Not sure how good / bad that is, but I know I don't top any meters with my current gear and LazyRaider setup!

Anyone got anything better? Let me hear your successes! (Or not!)

- J
I use lazyraider for LFR only, its just way too boring to do myself. I raid as healer with guild, but play it myself because naturally the bot cant anticipate the encounters like I can.

From a DPS point of view, I found bowman for my hunter was only doing 200 dps less than playing manually, so ultraxion has become a quite relaxing fight now. For DPS it will be dependant of the CC you are using.
How the heck do you get Lazyraidelr to work for you in LFR ? i play as Healer and never got it to work properly in LFR
Iam using PQrotations for my raiding, it works very well. Before I found out about PQR I used Dunatank for my warrior. It got me to 6/7 HCmode Firelands, and usually top2/3 DPS
Lazyraider is jut a botbase, your dps will depend on how good/bad the cc is. Healing with it might be ok for some easy fights but the program can never anticipate in advance and can never make split second decisions.
About pqr, its ok but it lacks in some classes big way, they are outdated and actually pull 20-30% less dps then playing by hand, not saying its bad but it works for certain classes.
PQR works excellent if you just use up-to-date profiles. At least there are great profiles out for my chars (warr, dk, druid, mage, pala)
PQR works excellent if you just use up-to-date profiles. At least there are great profiles out for my chars (warr, dk, druid, mage, pala)

As a DK, I get 10-20% more dps using LazyRaider + CLU than with PQR (I tried every profile).

It's a pity though, I love the option to toggle the rotations and Q abilities like DnD wherever and whenever I want, but the dps just doesn't cut it (in my experience at least).
As a DK, I get 10-20% more dps using LazyRaider + CLU than with PQR (I tried every profile).

It's a pity though, I love the option to toggle the rotations and Q abilities like DnD wherever and whenever I want, but the dps just doesn't cut it (in my experience at least).
Thats odd, or I should try CLU myself perhaps ^^ Im using Imdasandmans Masterfrost profiles and Im doing really good according to my guild at least. The thing I prefer with PQR is the keybinds (being able to toggle aoe or singletarget instantly, place DND or just shut the profile off). But Im gonna try out CLU and also Dagradts CC's, since we got really dedicated CC'devs here as well.
Thats odd, or I should try CLU myself perhaps ^^ Im using Imdasandmans Masterfrost profiles and Im doing really good according to my guild at least. The thing I prefer with PQR is the keybinds (being able to toggle aoe or singletarget instantly, place DND or just shut the profile off). But Im gonna try out CLU and also Dagradts CC's, since we got really dedicated CC'devs here as well.

Imdasandman's profile is the one that was the closest, but still 1-1.5k dps behind CLU. Mind you, this is as Masterfrost. I haven't tried Unholy with PQR.
I wish Wulf could implement the keybind system PQR has... it's really really handy, but at the end of the day, dps is king.
Only thing that scares me from using Lazyraider while I raid is when RL calls out to stop DPS and such, or singletarget only for Madness. As in PQR I can just hold shift to make it kill the rotation, or just alt+x to shut the rotation off or change to single-target rotation. How have you managed these issues with Lazyraider?
Only thing that scares me from using Lazyraider while I raid is when RL calls out to stop DPS and such, or singletarget only for Madness. As in PQR I can just hold shift to make it kill the rotation, or just alt+x to shut the rotation off or change to single-target rotation. How have you managed these issues with Lazyraider?

LazyRaider doesn't target, so hitting esc (or whatever other way to clear your target) will make it stop. As for Madness, it never triggers any AoE on it's own unless bloods are right on top of the arm tentacle. For bloods I just clear my target, put DnD and right click on them to start the rotation again. Same for everything else.

But that's on a DK. I don't know if it's gonna start using Mind Sear at times it shouldn't...

My suggestion, take it through LFR to get a feel for it.
Oh, nice. Im gonna try it out later just for comparision. One thing that HB-CCs do better than PQR is interrupts, it uses racials and every interrupt-ability you got instead of just the one mind-freeze for example, that I've noticed PQR does.
Oh, nice. Im gonna try it out later just for comparision. One thing that HB-CCs do better than PQR is interrupts, it uses racials and every interrupt-ability you got instead of just the one mind-freeze for example, that I've noticed PQR does.
Be advised that not all CCs do what you just stated.
Oh, nice. Im gonna try it out later just for comparision. One thing that HB-CCs do better than PQR is interrupts, it uses racials and every interrupt-ability you got instead of just the one mind-freeze for example, that I've noticed PQR does.

Well, I've noticed that CLU is pretty inconsistent with interrupts. Sometimes it'll do it right the second the target starts casting, sometimes it'll do it right before it's finished, or sometimes it won't even do it. With the talent that makes it free (still talking about DK) and mind freeze being off the CGD I don't understand why this is the case.

I told Wulf about it and he said interrupts are at the top of the priority for DS, but I don't think he said anything about the inconsistency everywhere else (I haven't paid much attention in DS either, it may still happen there).

You can always do it yourself easily though. Since it's off the CGD you can slip it through the bot's rotation with no problem.
Yeah as Venus stated, not all CC's do it perfectly. One I use that does it IloveAnimals for druids. But yeah as its off the GCD it could just be used manually as well.
I was healing with it but it wouldn't let me move when somebodys hp is lower than it should be.
Hehe I'm using Singular and it does pretty nice dps, but annoying movement... makes it hard to do what I want it to ;(
If you are having issues with the CC moving, especially Singular. Go into the class settings and Turn Disable Movement to True. You should have 100% control after that. You can do the same for quite a few cc's. As well singular has the option for targeting too.