We don't just insert things into ff14s queue, we use the same function as if you pressed your keys. If spells are going off then youll need to adjust the code or start posting some logs.
I'm not talking about the queues, and I don't think the code's the problem since it worked fine before. The difference is that since the CA now decides the next ability much earlier, sometimes it does so before the current one finishes and is registered, so the routine picks the wrong next ability.
No, theyd wait 1.5 seconds.
I've never noticed them waiting that long. Using Magitek I'd get off 2-3 off-gcd abilities between my regular attacks, and there certainly wasn't a 1.5 second delay. I guess maybe Kupo was different, but idk its good design to ignore the routine that everyone uses to help the one that's honestly kind of a joke.
Sure, you can just go 'qq', but the fact is that when you create a paid product, your customers will expect a certain level of quality and performance. I respect all the work that you've put into this solo project, but when there's a design decision that doesn't make sense to the end-user, there's going to be legitimate concern. I'm not really a coder, so maybe more knowledgeable people can see benefits to the change that outweigh what it broke. The issue highlighted is indeed small, and perhaps there's something that I'm doing wrong on my end, but it does stack with all the other problems. Dismissing it out of hand, to me, is a very unprofessional way to run a business.
What Combat Routine are you using? Kupo/Magitek are supposed to have built-in "Double Cast Protection" (I believe it has something to do with the system clock and waiting a maximum of 3 seconds or something like that). It's optional (at least in Magitek it is) so it may need to be enabled for the skills you're experiencing issues with.
For MoreDots I've been having to put in manual waits such as "await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => Core.Player.CurrentTarget.HasAura("Thunder", true, 3300));" which forces the CR to wait a maximum of 5 seconds before attempting to cast that spell again (in reality it waits a couple seconds until the aura "Thunder" appears and moves on).
I tested it in both Magitek and Kupo. In Magitek I did fix it by turning on the double cast prevention argument, but then it just did Bootshine after DK instead. I'm not really sure what to do next, if there's some way to tie the two spells together in the DCP system.
I wasn't aware that Kupo had that system, and if its built-in and non-optional, then its certainly not working.