ok i am new here and i manage to get this awesome bot running well in gb2...so i tried the bot for my shaman to lvl with questing. i continue my quest in deepholm which is halfway through therazane quest and i load kicks profile. it seems like the bot dont work well..having problem in not moving to the next quest area at all. so i tried uldum..a fresh start of uldum quest from kicks profile. the bot manage to start the quest from org and fly to tanaris. after giving in the 1st quest leads to cut screne..after the cut scene the bot just stand there..i stop the bot and manually take the next quest which is Traitors! and start the bot back...the bot flew up to find asaad. but the bot did not click on the plant vase to activate the event..
View attachment 1-10-2012_8_48 PM 6424 Log.txt
View attachment 1-10-2012_8_48 PM 6424 Log.txt
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