My druid that I just made has been getting stuck , like it says going to the trainer going back and forrth between GS and the trainer, start stop doesnt work. Restart doent work.
[6:07:50 PM:801] Could not generate path from {-8867.866, 592.1969, 92.85322} to {9741.909, 965.9996, 1293.694} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Moving to Type: Train, Name: Kal
Moving to Type: Train, Name: Kal
Stopping the bot!
View attachment 12-19-2011_12_57 PM 3524 Log.txt
[6:07:50 PM:801] Could not generate path from {-8867.866, 592.1969, 92.85322} to {9741.909, 965.9996, 1293.694} (time used: 0 milliseconds) @ FindEndPoly
Moving to Type: Train, Name: Kal
Moving to Type: Train, Name: Kal
Stopping the bot!
View attachment 12-19-2011_12_57 PM 3524 Log.txt
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