You will need for this to work, two free email address', two basic unlinked to your bank account and with out your real info on them and a visa/mastercard/american exspress gift card (does not need to have cash on it).
This is how I have handled online transactions with private partys for a while now.
First you located the party that your going to sell your gold, leveling service, account to.
Once they are ready to pay. You will have both paypals open (use two different internet browsers to allow this) and have a place that you can get online gift cards (weather they give you the code to then xfer the cash to one you have or charge your current gift card) open.
Buyer then will send the money to paypal a, you then send money from paypal a to paypal b asap it hits paypal a.
You then as soon as paypal b has the money in it, you imidiatly buy the visa/mastercard/amex gift card with it. Then once that trasnaction is final you close paypal b, and then paypal a.
Now if you baught the credit for another card you will xfer the credit to your in hand card, if you payed for a refill of your current card you are done with this step.
Now go to a grocery store, buy something roughly around 20$ and then get cash back (most stores will only allow 60$ cash back. So if its a large payment you recieved then it will take a few different stores to get the cash back.
This is all done and by the time it takes for the scammer to actully file a claim with paypal a you have already put the credit on the gift card and likely on your way to the store to get the cash in hand and some beer and pizza to come back and enjoy the rest of the day watching tv while your bots are running.
I live in california, so I am not sure how or if this will work in other states, for I don't know what the supermarkets allow there, but I have not had any problem with this in cali especially in the los angeles area.
This is how I have handled online transactions with private partys for a while now.
First you located the party that your going to sell your gold, leveling service, account to.
Once they are ready to pay. You will have both paypals open (use two different internet browsers to allow this) and have a place that you can get online gift cards (weather they give you the code to then xfer the cash to one you have or charge your current gift card) open.
Buyer then will send the money to paypal a, you then send money from paypal a to paypal b asap it hits paypal a.
You then as soon as paypal b has the money in it, you imidiatly buy the visa/mastercard/amex gift card with it. Then once that trasnaction is final you close paypal b, and then paypal a.
Now if you baught the credit for another card you will xfer the credit to your in hand card, if you payed for a refill of your current card you are done with this step.
Now go to a grocery store, buy something roughly around 20$ and then get cash back (most stores will only allow 60$ cash back. So if its a large payment you recieved then it will take a few different stores to get the cash back.
This is all done and by the time it takes for the scammer to actully file a claim with paypal a you have already put the credit on the gift card and likely on your way to the store to get the cash in hand and some beer and pizza to come back and enjoy the rest of the day watching tv while your bots are running.
I live in california, so I am not sure how or if this will work in other states, for I don't know what the supermarkets allow there, but I have not had any problem with this in cali especially in the los angeles area.