The bot worked fine until 2 days ago, now I can barely play two full games before I get a "InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired" error. I'm playing with default profile and plugins. This is the full log of the last session:
Hearthbuddy [0.3.1019.186] is up to date!
T: 5247462790970967761 H: 3470276170
Hearthbuddy Version: 0.3.1019.186
Path: C:\HSbuddy\Hearthbuddy.exe
OS Name: Windows 7
OS Edition: Ultimate
OS Service Pack: Service Pack 1
OS Version: 6.1.7601.65536
OS Architecture: x64
.NET Runtime Version: 4.0.30319.18444
Hearthstone client version (9786, 104619)
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IBot> - Initializing
[DefaultBotSettings] ClientBroken = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheCustomDecks = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontOpenRewards = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontDraft = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMinDelayMs = 15000.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMaxDelayMs = 30000.
[DefaultBotSettings] SpectateRandomFriend = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] SpectateAllowedName = .
[DefaultBotSettings] HideInactiveGameMode = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeAfterConstructedWin = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeNextConstructedGame = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] RoutineMustDraftArena = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedMode = Casual.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoGreet = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] GameMode = Practice.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDifficulty = Normal.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeOpponentClass = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyAllowedName = .
[DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontOpenRewards = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontDraft = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMinDelayMs = 15000.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMaxDelayMs = 30000.
[DefaultBotSettings] SpectateRandomFriend = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] SpectateAllowedName = .
[DefaultBotSettings] HideInactiveGameMode = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeAfterConstructedWin = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeNextConstructedGame = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] RoutineMustDraftArena = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedMode = Casual.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedDeckType = Custom.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedCustomDeck = Bas*********.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoGreet = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] GameMode = Constructed.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDifficulty = Normal.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeOpponentClass = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyAllowedName = .
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True.
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing
Current bot set to DefaultBot.
cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message)
init Silverfish
read carddb.txt
cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message)
fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-09-12_19-54-24.txt
set enemy-face-hp to: 15
set maxwide to: 3000
calculate the second turn of the 0 best boards
current alpha is 0,5
you are running uai V117.025
fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-09-12_19-54-24.txt
set enemy-face-hp to: 15
set maxwide to: 3000
calculate the second turn of the 0 best boards
current alpha is 0,5
you are running uai V117.025
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass1 = HUNTER.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass2 = WARLOCK.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass3 = PRIEST.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass4 = ROGUE.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass5 = WARRIOR.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass1 = HUNTER.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass2 = WARLOCK.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass3 = PRIEST.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass4 = ROGUE.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass5 = WARRIOR.
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IPlugin> - Initializing
Current routine set to DefaultRoutine.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAtRank = False.
[AutoStopSettings] RankToStopAt = 20.
[AutoStopSettings] StopGameCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopWinCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopLossCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopConcedeCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXGames = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXWins = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXLosses = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXConcedes = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAtRank = False.
[AutoStopSettings] RankToStopAt = 20.
[AutoStopSettings] StopGameCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopWinCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopLossCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopConcedeCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXGames = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXWins = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXLosses = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXConcedes = False.
[AutoStop] Initialize
[QuestSettings] StopAfterAllQuestsAreDone = True.
[QuestSettings] OnlyUseCustomDecks = False.
[QuestSettings] StopAfterAllQuestsAreDone = True.
[QuestSettings] OnlyUseCustomDecks = False.
[Quest] Initialize
[Stats] Initialize
[Stats] Enable
Please read the following guide before using this program:
[Stats] Summary: 0 / 2 (0.00 %) [0 concedes]
[Start] Now creating the BotThread.
[Stats] Start
[HubScene] The bot needs to cache quests. Now clicking on the "Quest Log" button.
[HubScene] Now clicking to close the "Quest Log" screen.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = False.
[HubScene] Now clicking on the "Play" button.
[IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning.
[IsClientInUsableState] !SceneMgr.IsSceneLoaded.
[IsClientInUsableState] Box.IsBusy.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Now clicking the "Play" button.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[IsClientInUsableState] LoadingScreen.IsTransitioning.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] !MulliganManager.introComplete.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] !MulliganManager.m_waitingForUserInput.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] Waiting to be in this state longer.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] MulliganManager.IsMulliganActive.
[Mulligan] PRIEST vs SHAMAN.
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] CS2_200 should be mulliganed because it matches the user's mulligan rule: [card.Entity.Cost >= 4 and card.Entity.Id != "GVG_063"] (True).
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] CS2_222 should be mulliganed because it matches the user's mulligan rule: [card.Entity.Cost >= 4 and card.Entity.Id != "GVG_063"] (True).
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] Now thinking about mulliganing CS2_120 for 4623 ms.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] Waiting to be in this state longer.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] MulliganManager.IsMulliganActive.
[Mulligan] PRIEST vs SHAMAN.
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] CS2_200 should be mulliganed because it matches the user's mulligan rule: [card.Entity.Cost >= 4 and card.Entity.Id != "GVG_063"] (True).
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] CS2_222 should be mulliganed because it matches the user's mulligan rule: [card.Entity.Cost >= 4 and card.Entity.Id != "GVG_063"] (True).
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] Now thinking about mulliganing CS2_200 for 1373 ms.
[Mulligan] Now thinking about mulliganing CS2_120 for 4823 ms.
[Mulligan] Now thinking about mulliganing CS2_222 for 2570 ms.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] Now mulliganing CS2_200.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] Now mulliganing CS2_222.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] All cards are in the proper mulligan state. Now confirming the mulligan.
[HistoryManager] Now resetting...
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Now setting the greet emote.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-09-12_19-55-48.txt
calculating stuff... 19:55:48.4153
calculating ended! 19:55:48.5633
end turn
[UsePendingEmote] Emotes are not displayed. Now bringing them up.
[UsePendingEmote] Emotes are displayed. Now attempting to use GREETINGS.
[UsePendingEmote] Now using the Greetings emote.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 19:56:10.9706
calculating ended! 19:56:11.0806
play action
play: River Crocolisk target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 138 ms.
[UseAt] 1
calculating stuff... 19:56:14.4998
calculating ended! 19:56:14.5168
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 19:56:32.1628
calculating ended! 19:56:32.2828
play action
minion attack: River Crocolisk target: Stoneclaw Totem
calculating stuff... 19:56:35.7040
calculating ended! 19:56:35.7330
play action
play: Shattered Sun Cleric target: River Crocolisk targetEnt 38
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 116 ms.
[UseAt] 2
calculating stuff... 19:56:40.9553
calculating ended! 19:56:40.9833
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 19:57:02.4696
calculating ended! 19:57:02.6176
play action
play: Power Word: Shield target: Frog targetEnt 72
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 149 ms.
calculating stuff... 19:57:07.6298
calculating ended! 19:57:07.7519
play action
play: Northshire Cleric target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 133 ms.
[UseAt] 2
calculating stuff... 19:57:11.5911
calculating ended! 19:57:11.6191
play action
minion attack: Shattered Sun Cleric target: Thrall
calculating stuff... 19:57:14.2772
calculating ended! 19:57:14.3022
play action
play: Holy Smite target: Healing Totem targetEnt 69
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 117 ms.
calculating stuff... 19:57:17.7714
calculating ended! 19:57:17.8024
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 19:57:44.7170
calculating ended! 19:57:44.8540
play action
minion attack: Northshire Cleric target: Voodoo Doctor
calculating stuff... 19:57:48.4562
calculating ended! 19:57:48.4852
play action
use ablitiy: Lesser Heal target Northshire Cleric
[Pickup] The card was not able to be picked up in 500 ms.
calculating stuff... 19:57:54.8035
calculating ended! 19:57:54.9046
play action
minion attack: Shattered Sun Cleric target: Thrall
calculating stuff... 19:57:57.6657
calculating ended! 19:57:57.6857
play action
play: Shadow Word: Pain target: Searing Totem targetEnt 74
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 132 ms.
calculating stuff... 19:58:01.1159
calculating ended! 19:58:01.1359
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 19:58:19.3689
calculating ended! 19:58:19.4900
play action
play: Boulderfist Ogre target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 133 ms.
[UseAt] 3
calculating stuff... 19:58:23.3722
calculating ended! 19:58:23.3902
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 19:59:00.6673
calculating ended! 19:59:00.8923
play action
minion attack: Shattered Sun Cleric target: Sen'jin Shieldmasta
calculating stuff... 19:59:04.3355
calculating ended! 19:59:04.3565
play action
play: Holy Smite target: Sen'jin Shieldmasta targetEnt 15
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 132 ms.
calculating stuff... 19:59:07.9487
calculating ended! 19:59:07.9767
play action
minion attack: Northshire Cleric target: Voodoo Doctor
calculating stuff... 19:59:11.3949
calculating ended! 19:59:11.4259
play action
play: Northshire Cleric target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 133 ms.
[UseAt] 3
calculating stuff... 19:59:15.2271
calculating ended! 19:59:15.2451
play action
use ablitiy: Lesser Heal target Northshire Cleric
[Pickup] The card was not able to be picked up in 500 ms.
calculating stuff... 19:59:25.1607
calculating ended! 19:59:25.2267
play action
play: Ironfur Grizzly target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 150 ms.
[UseAt] 1
calculating stuff... 19:59:29.0939
calculating ended! 19:59:29.1179
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 19:59:55.0284
calculating ended! 19:59:55.5795
play action
minion attack: Ironfur Grizzly target: Frostwolf Grunt
calculating stuff... 19:59:59.2157
calculating ended! 19:59:59.2457
play action
play: Boulderfist Ogre target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 132 ms.
[UseAt] 2
calculating stuff... 20:00:03.1779
calculating ended! 20:00:03.1969
play action
use ablitiy: Lesser Heal target Ironfur Grizzly
[Pickup] The card was not able to be picked up in 500 ms.
calculating stuff... 20:00:12.8624
calculating ended! 20:00:12.9974
play action
minion attack: Northshire Cleric target: Searing Totem
calculating stuff... 20:00:15.8436
calculating ended! 20:00:15.8636
play action
minion attack: Boulderfist Ogre target: Thrall
calculating stuff... 20:00:18.7288
calculating ended! 20:00:18.7478
play action
minion attack: Northshire Cleric target: Wrath of Air Totem
calculating stuff... 20:00:21.6569
calculating ended! 20:00:21.6809
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 20:00:58.8561
calculating ended! 20:00:58.9841
play action
play: Stormwind Champion target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 133 ms.
[UseAt] 3
calculating stuff... 20:01:03.1223
calculating ended! 20:01:03.1503
play action
minion attack: Boulderfist Ogre target: Thrall
calculating stuff... 20:01:06.2985
calculating ended! 20:01:06.3345
play action
minion attack: Boulderfist Ogre target: Thrall
calculating stuff... 20:01:09.3827
calculating ended! 20:01:09.4177
play action
minion attack: Ironfur Grizzly target: Thrall
calculating stuff... 20:01:12.4999
calculating ended! 20:01:12.5349
play action
minion attack: Northshire Cleric target: Thrall
calculating stuff... 20:01:15.6310
calculating ended! 20:01:15.6530
play action
minion attack: Northshire Cleric target: Thrall
[GameplayScene_FINAL_GAMEOVER] The EndGameScreen is not shown.
[GameplayScene_FINAL_GAMEOVER] Waiting to be in this state longer.
[GameEventManagerOnGameOver] Victory => PLAY_GAME.
[Stats] Summary: 1 / 1 (100.00 %) [0 concedes]
[GameplayScene_FINAL_GAMEOVER] The EndGameScreen is shown for [VictoryScreen]. Now clicking to continue.
[IsClientInUsableState] LoadingScreen.IsTransitioning.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Now clicking the "Play" button.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[IsClientInUsableState] LoadingScreen.IsTransitioning.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] !MulliganManager.introComplete.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] !MulliganManager.m_waitingForUserInput.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] Waiting to be in this state longer.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] MulliganManager.IsMulliganActive.
[Mulligan] PRIEST vs MAGE.
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] CS1_112 should be mulliganed because it matches the user's mulligan rule: [card.Entity.Cost >= 4 and card.Entity.Id != "GVG_063"] (True).
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] DS1_055 should be mulliganed because it matches the user's mulligan rule: [card.Entity.Cost >= 4 and card.Entity.Id != "GVG_063"] (True).
[Mulligan] The mulligan execution check [mulliganData.UserClass == TAG_CLASS.HUNTER] is false, so the mulligan criteria [card.Entity.Id == "DS1_184"] will not be evaluated.
[Mulligan] Now thinking about mulliganing EX1_019 for 1205 ms.
[Mulligan] Now thinking about mulliganing CS1_112 for 1015 ms.
[Mulligan] Now thinking about mulliganing DS1_055 for 1455 ms.
[Mulligan] Now thinking about mulliganing CS1_130 for 5226 ms.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] Now mulliganing CS1_112.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] Now mulliganing DS1_055.
[GameplayScene_BEGIN_MULLIGAN] All cards are in the proper mulligan state. Now confirming the mulligan.
[HistoryManager] Now resetting...
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Now setting the greet emote.
[UsePendingEmote] Emotes are not displayed. Now bringing them up.
[UsePendingEmote] Emotes are displayed. Now attempting to use GREETINGS.
[UsePendingEmote] Now using the Greetings emote.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-09-12_20-02-43.txt
calculating stuff... 20:02:43.3050
calculating ended! 20:02:43.4051
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 20:03:11.1306
calculating ended! 20:03:11.2566
play action
play: River Crocolisk target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 134 ms.
[UseAt] 1
calculating stuff... 20:03:14.6098
calculating ended! 20:03:14.6258
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 20:03:39.9023
calculating ended! 20:03:40.0083
play action
play: Ironfur Grizzly target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 150 ms.
[UseAt] 1
calculating stuff... 20:03:43.3015
calculating ended! 20:03:43.3335
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 20:04:33.0323
calculating ended! 20:04:33.1783
play action
play: Holy Smite target: Soot Spewer targetEnt 33
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 116 ms.
calculating stuff... 20:04:36.5515
calculating ended! 20:04:36.5785
play action
play: Holy Smite target: Soot Spewer targetEnt 33
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 149 ms.
calculating stuff... 20:04:39.9097
calculating ended! 20:04:39.9297
play action
use ablitiy: Lesser Heal target Anduin Wrynn
[Pickup] The card was not able to be picked up in 500 ms.
calculating stuff... 20:04:42.8809
calculating ended! 20:04:42.8959
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 20:05:39.9521
calculating ended! 20:05:40.0662
play action
play: Gnomish Inventor target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 133 ms.
[UseAt] 1
calculating stuff... 20:05:45.7755
calculating ended! 20:05:45.8665
play action
play: Power Word: Shield target: Gnomish Inventor targetEnt 58
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 116 ms.
calculating stuff... 20:05:50.8538
calculating ended! 20:05:50.9338
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION_Friendly] Waiting to be in this state longer.
calculating stuff... 20:06:46.4460
calculating ended! 20:06:46.5710
play action
play: Acidic Swamp Ooze target nothing
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 133 ms.
[UseAt] 1
calculating stuff... 20:06:49.9692
calculating ended! 20:06:49.9872
play action
play: Shattered Sun Cleric target: Acidic Swamp Ooze targetEnt 48
[Pickup] The card was picked up in 133 ms.
[UseAt] 2
calculating stuff... 20:06:55.5195
calculating ended! 20:06:55.5385
end turn
[GameplayScene_MAIN_ACTION] Waiting for our turn to fully start/end.
[Tick] Exception during execution:GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired
at GreyMagic.Executor.******(Int32 )
at GreyMagic.Executor.*************(Int32 )
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock)
at Triton.Bot.BotManager.*************(IBot )
[BotThreadFunction] An InjectionDesyncException was detected.
[Stop] Exception during execution:GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired
at GreyMagic.Executor.******(Int32 )
at GreyMagic.Executor.*************(Int32 )
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock)
at Triton.Bot.BotManager.**************(IBot )