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LazyRaider has functionality built in to make it more suitable for PVE, with you moving the character. Combat bot uses bot movement, it is very noticable, especially with things like looting and when mobs are backed against walls.
LazyRaider has functionality built in to make it more suitable for PVE, with you moving the character. Combat bot uses bot movement, it is very noticable, especially with things like looting and when mobs are backed against walls.
So combat bot is used for manual PVPing (using a CC), completing quests when you dont want to fight, etc? Where-as Lazy Raider is strictly for manual movement in raids/ dungeons?
Lazy Raider, is more of a set of guidelines for a CC, that ONLY does spellcasting, and no movement, you can use ether the full on "Lazy Raider" branded botbase, or CombatBot, its basically the same thing.