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just got my 72 hour ban


Mar 22, 2010
well i just recived my 72 hour ban so i called blizzard and let me say they have some very intersing news to tell me. orignal ban was for abuse of the economy like usall how ever the following emial for the reason they banned was because of kills (stating that no quest were done and it was all kills) . botting with honorbuddy may need to be relooked into if there tracking kills this may be a serious issue.
here is my edited to remove name blizzard post.

Greetings fuck you blizzard,

Account Name:removed for privacy
Realm: removed for privacy
Character Name: removed for privacy

Account Action: 72 Hour Suspension and Final Warning
Reason for Action: Exploitation Policy Violation - Unapproved Third Party Software

After a thorough investigation, we have found that a player of the account listed above has used unauthorized game modifications. As such, the action will remain on the account and any further violations will result in permanent closure.

The use of these modifications violates the World of Warcraft Terms of Use. We ask that you take a moment to review these terms at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/termsofuse.html.

You may not use cheats, bots, mods, hacks or any other software designed to gain an unfair advantage in World of Warcraft.

Furthermore, the use of these types of programs has a tremendous negative impact on the game and other players. This impact can take many forms including an inflated game economy and server instability.

This action has been taken in accordance with the Terms of Use and our In-Game Policies (http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/20309). Any recurring subscriptions on this account have been suspended to prevent further monetary charges.

Only the Account Administration department can address disputes or questions you may have about this account action. To learn more about how we are able to assist you, please visit us at http://us.blizzard.com/support/article/21505.


blizzard sucks dick
Account Administration
Blizzard Entertainment

this wont stop me may the botting continue
well i just recived my 72 hour ban so i called blizzard and let me say they have some very intersing news to tell me. orignal ban was for abuse of the economy like usall how ever the following emial for the reason they banned was because of kills (stating that no quest were done and it was all kills) . botting with honorbuddy may need to be relooked into if there tracking kills this may be a serious issue.
here is my edited to remove name blizzard post.

Blizzard give generic emails like the one called Economy Exploitation.

Please don't go round making stuff up as it only encourages other people to make something else up just to beat your story.
That email doesnt say anything about Blizz tracking your kills. End of story.
im not making anything up when I called them and asked what it was for they clearly stated on the phone that it was do to the amount of kills on my level 39 warrior were the name will be left out. weather you choose to belive me or not is your own perogritive and i can care less. for those that use ho9nor buddy i strongly suggesst that you add in some quest while leveling from now on and dont just bot for 24 hours. and let me edit my top post as i should of stated when i called them this is what ui was told and this is the email that followed.
I was more or less posting this to just show you got banned not be treaded by trolls so if you dont have anything positive to say dont respond to my thread.