ok so i just bought it and im trying to get it to work. i have the .net on my computer already, and ive redownloaded honor buddy twice now. everytime i try to run it WITH wow open in windowed mode and with directx 9, this appears:
Honorbuddy has encountered a problem.
We are sorry for theinconveinience.
Could not load file or assembly"fasmdll_managed. Version= 1.03829.8764,
Culture=nuetral. PublicKeyToken=53d73c680b667dc4' or one of its
dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Honorbuddy has encountered a problem.
We are sorry for theinconveinience.
Could not load file or assembly"fasmdll_managed. Version= 1.03829.8764,
Culture=nuetral. PublicKeyToken=53d73c680b667dc4' or one of its
dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.