First of all, we apologize that Niantic forced an update, with some bigger changes. As a result we are actively working on updating.
Second of all, we have delivered a perfectly good working key, which will result in 30 usable days of time. Because as a rule of thumb, we have practiced a if its down for more than 24 hours we refund lost time. However given the fact you have not successfully been able to start your key time, no time should be ticking.
Third of all, we will give an announcement the second its up, in Discord, and on here. We avoid giving ETA's these days, since when something major was still needing to be fixed, past the original ETA, people would rage, failing to understand what the acronym ETA stand for, which is Estimated Time of Arrival. We do not want to get player hopes up only to be set back by something, and we prefer to put out viable quality patches where we can.
There was an instance where a major API came up and our dev team needed a couple weeks, and worked a few days at a time with zero sleep. We are going to continue working in such a dedicated manner, and if/when we have a solid time to give, we will happily announce it.
I hope this addresses your concerns, as you have not lost anything, and will get what you are due of course.