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JC/ALCH how do you make gold with these professions ?


New Member
Dec 3, 2011
so I have herb/mine on my one farming main, obviously. and decided to level up JC/ALCH because I have read forums in the passed that these make a lot more profit supporting herb / mine. but I honestly Have NO IDEA how to make gold with these pros. for starters, is xmute master or elixir master more profitable ?
more concerning to me is how do you possibly make gold with JC with botting? like you have nothing to work with unless you actually do the dailies everyday?... Im not botting/farming so that I have to do dailies... Prospecting ore seems to be a waste too. raw ore seems to be more profitable than the green gems... so...how do other people do it? I would appreciate a solid answer. Thanks.
I would like to know this too, I always see "Jc and ALCH is profitable" how? Their isn't anyway really it could be, like you stated, prospecting is a waste
Well I know alch can be quite profitable , I just dont know which route is more profitable. but with JC... lol. you have to do dailies to get anywhere?
With a J/C youll want to have a miner and an enchanter. mine your ores, prospect, make rings etc. disenchant said rings sell the enchanting mats, sell red gems. If you have an alchemist I would transmute gems if you can.
so JC is strictly dependent on enchanting? so theres no way to run JC/ALCH like everyone suggests? :S thanks for the info though.
u need JC/ENCH/ALCH to be perfect.

Throw in Tailoring as a 4th and you're in for some good money.
are you kidding me? if you think pospecting is a waste please tell others Ill just keep on prospecting
how is prospecting not a waste then lol? red gems are the only gems that are profitable. when elementium stacks are going for 80-110g and prospecting only gives you 2 gems max, no guarantee on a red gem. so basically its a gamble for extra gold when you can just sell consistently at like 100g a stack...?
you need to have alch,jc,enchanting

you shuffle the stuff into other craftable/profitable items

they only thing that is worthless are the zephyrites, those can even turn a profit when needed for JC dailies
This doesn't add up though. putting enchanting aside. JC cant make any money alone? without doing dailies. I mean. you only get 2 green gems maybe a blue every 5 ore...
no its not lol, if no one can tell me on here google sure in the hell wont tell me .
Just leveling enchanting for god sake :P

All green gems --> Rings/necklaces = Disenchant.

I found the inferno ruby's the only rare gem to sell, so I just vendor the rest of the blue gems.

The enchanting stuff alone will be a huge profit.

(You have addons to scan the AH and also to see what every prospect will earn you if you use it to make rings and necklaces with it, very easy)
so JC is strictly dependent on enchanting? so theres no way to run JC/ALCH like everyone suggests? :S thanks for the info though.

it is not dependent. you can make gold just off the raw mats of each of those profs. but usually if you want to make lots of gold you have to have some sort of "assembly line" going. and i think right now one of the most popular was to make gold is miner, jc, enchanter, alch.

Shit man if youre looking to make gold have the bot make as many 85s as you can get a bunch of jc and enchanters turn all the stuff you mine overnight into gold. i know on my server ench mats are expensive
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Thanks good to know. good suggestions. My problem is I only wanna level 2 toons to level 75 +

one is farmer herb/miner ... ( dono why you didnt suggest herbing tbh ....)

the second is JC/Alch...

If I want enchanting.. (which is a good suggestion I know that ) I have to level a whole new toon to level 75 just for enchanting . other than that , I take out herb. which is half the profit of farming in the first place...?
on which account haha.. im just saying for consistency purposes... like I don't wanna level 3 toons passed 75 for every account but I dono
doesn't matter to me but since DK's start at 55 they would be faster, though if you have RAF that could help too since you have multiple accts