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[Item Filter] Beta 2.0 Updated Item Filter


Nov 12, 2014
Hey, so the default beta filter was filling my stashes up super quick looting every single rare item which led me to build this out really quick. It's based off NS's item filter and is very basic, but it's pretty much setup to pick up a lot less. Biggest change was the Rares. Disabled All rares and setup a seperate filter for basically every one of NS's item types (ie, Daggers, Bows, Quivers, etc) and if he further limited it by a specific base item type it picks up only those vice all quivers for example. Also it's set right now to pick up ilvl 65+ stuff, when map support gets released maybe think about 75+ but for now this is what we have :) Note there is no ID'ing of rares or stat filtering. This simply is just cutting down what gets picked up for you to ID later.

http://pastebin.com/p12a7zXg (updated 7/28 0003PST)

Open your StaticItemFilter.json file in your Settings folder and replace all of the information (backup first if you have already started to make edits)
Hey, so the default beta filter was filling my stashes up super quick looting every single rare item which led me to build this out really quick. It's based off NS's item filter and is very basic, but it's pretty much setup to pick up a lot less. Biggest change was the Rares. Disabled All rares and setup a seperate filter for basically every one of NS's item types (ie, Daggers, Bows, Quivers, etc) and if he further limited it by a specific base item type it picks up only those vice all quivers for example. Also it's set right now to pick up ilvl 65+ stuff, when map support gets released maybe think about 75+ but for now this is what we have :) Note there is no ID'ing of rares or stat filtering. This simply is just cutting down what gets picked up for you to ID later.


Open your StaticItemFilter.json file in your Settings folder and replace all of the information (backup first if you have already started to make edits)

Does this only pick up Quality gems?
Uploaded a new filter. First one was still picking up all gems. This one will only pick up Portal, Empower, Enlighten, Enhance, Spell Echo, Multistrike, GMP, and the Vaal gems regardless of quality, and for every other gem only pick up 10% or higher.
Updated Chance Orb Bases with some I missed, it's turned off by default.
There seems to possibly be a bug with "Items worth a Scrap/Whetstone/GMP"... it's supposed to pick up 20% quality items to vendor for the respective mat, but I was picking up any quality items that fit the rest of the filter.. so not sure if that's a bug with the beta. It's off by default at the moment.
Turned off Gavels and Maraketh weapons, can turn them on if you want them.
Fixed some of the itemtypes

It's still picking up a little more than I'd like, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. Going to start integrating affixes filtering next to cut down on even more junk.
widds u sayed it picks up vaal gems... how did u make ur bot open vaal urns ... i cant make my corruptedareatweak plugin to work so it just goes there kills the bost and makes a town portal without opening the sacrifice chest
widds u sayed it picks up vaal gems... how did u make ur bot open vaal urns ... i cant make my corruptedareatweak plugin to work so it just goes there kills the bost and makes a town portal without opening the sacrifice chest

That tweaks plugin is no longer needed because it's integrated into OldGrindbot now.

The issue you're seeing is actually a flaw in AreaStateChache, which I'm going to rewrite, but couldn't because it'd break all the stuff that didn't change. I noticed it a few times myself, but corrupted areas seemed to have a lower spawn rate during beta testing, so I didn't get a chance to really track down the issue.

The logic is the same as it was before, but something changed in the game to break it a bit (perhaps a state update).
i see and what about the piety and dom fights? they are integrated on oldgrindbot?

Yeap! New tasks for almost all the bosses, but there'll be a few minor bugs to fix. More additions will be made later, as I'll just move it all to a single plugin for devs to play with.

The bot can't navigate daresso's dream, but will face tank that boss if you do it manually. It won't do anything for the final boss, not that you'd want to bot that anyways with how simple our stuff is.
so this filter just picks up all uniques, a few gems and all rares for manually doing chaos recipe?
No, that's what the base filter does. This one restricts all rares to basically worthwhile base item types as per NS's loot filter.
This isn't supposed to be a great filter, I threw it up a few hours after beta launched because stashes were overflowing with rares after 1-2 dried lake runs. After looking over the affixes portion I'm not even going to try and tackle setting up an in-depth filter to ID and only keep good items. Someone else smarter can do that.
This isn't supposed to be a great filter, I threw it up a few hours after beta launched because stashes were overflowing with rares after 1-2 dried lake runs. After looking over the affixes portion I'm not even going to try and tackle setting up an in-depth filter to ID and only keep good items. Someone else smarter can do that.
Much appreciated with this portion. Just to way for the great and powerful Tony, or the butterfly dude.
It works perfectly for what it is, it just filters out the absolute garbage, my 12 tabs still fill up in 2 hours though :)
Thanks for sharing this! It's working good for its purpose and as I'm getting used to the itemfilter it helped a lot.
Well if any1 get a itemfilter that can with AIF, filtering those good stat rares and could post it would be really great.
If you go to the thread by Jerym about an IF you can use his. The only change to the client was the change in string for leech. If you open up his .filter file in like notepad++ and look a couple paragraphs down there are two lines about life leech and mana leech. If you delete those the filter will load properly in EB. If you're interested in those stats you could look up the new version of it, but I just deleted them. Should note his filter is from pre-2.0 so it doesn't have a rule for divination cards, add one of those. Other than that it should work fine.