Ive had this issue several times now and am not sure if i can solve it on my own. I copied the data of what it said went wrong.
Here it is:
Hearthstone client version (8311, 87322)
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IBot> - Initializing
[DefaultBotSettings] ClientBroken = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheCustomDecks = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontOpenRewards = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontDraft = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMinDelayMs = 15000.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMaxDelayMs = 30000.
[DefaultBotSettings] SpectateRandomFriend = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] SpectateAllowedName = .
[DefaultBotSettings] HideInactiveGameMode = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeAfterConstructedWin = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeNextConstructedGame = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] RoutineMustDraftArena = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedMode = Casual.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoGreet = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] GameMode = Practice.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDifficulty = Normal.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeOpponentClass = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyAllowedName = .
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True.
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing
Current bot set to DefaultBot.
cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message)
init Silverfish
read carddb.txt
cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message)
fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-04-05_19-37-47.txt
set enemy-face-hp to: 15
set maxwide to: 3000
calculate the second turn of the 0 best boards
current alpha is 0.5
you are running uai V114.0
fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-04-05_19-37-48.txt
set enemy-face-hp to: 15
set maxwide to: 3000
calculate the second turn of the 0 best boards
current alpha is 0.5
you are running uai V114.0
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass1 = HUNTER.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass2 = WARLOCK.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass3 = PRIEST.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass4 = ROGUE.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass5 = WARRIOR.
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IPlugin> - Initializing
Current routine set to DefaultRoutine.
[DefaultBotSettings] GameMode = Constructed.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoGreet = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAtRank = False.
[AutoStopSettings] RankToStopAt = 20.
[AutoStopSettings] StopGameCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopWinCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopLossCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopConcedeCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXGames = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXWins = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXLosses = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXConcedes = False.
[AutoStop] Initialize
[QuestSettings] StopAfterAllQuestsAreDone = True.
[QuestSettings] OnlyUseCustomDecks = False.
[Quest] Initialize
[Stats] Initialize
[Stats] Enable
Please read the following guide before using this program:
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedDeckType = Custom.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedCustomDeck = mb.
[Start] Now creating the BotThread.
[Stats] Start
[HubScene] The bot needs to cache quests. Now clicking on the "Quest Log" button.
[HubScene] Now clicking to close the "Quest Log" screen.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = False.
[HubScene] Now clicking on the "Play" button.
[IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning.
[IsClientInUsableState] !SceneMgr.IsSceneLoaded.
[IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning.
[IsClientInUsableState] Box.IsBusy.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Now clicking the "Play" button.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[IsClientInUsableState] LoadingScreen.IsTransitioning.
[Tick] Exception during execution:GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired
at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.SharedExecuteLogicEnd(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock)
at Triton.Game.TritonHs.AcquireFrame()
at Triton.Bot.BotManager.Tick(IBot )
[BotThreadFunction] An InjectionDesyncException was detected.
[Stats] Stop
Any help would make me grateful. This occurs during matchmaking and that spin wheel is spinning.
Here it is:
Hearthstone client version (8311, 87322)
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IBot> - Initializing
[DefaultBotSettings] ClientBroken = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheCustomDecks = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontOpenRewards = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] ArenaDontDraft = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMinDelayMs = 15000.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeMaxDelayMs = 30000.
[DefaultBotSettings] SpectateRandomFriend = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] SpectateAllowedName = .
[DefaultBotSettings] HideInactiveGameMode = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeAfterConstructedWin = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoConcedeNextConstructedGame = False.
[DefaultBotSettings] RoutineMustDraftArena = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedMode = Casual.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoGreet = True.
[DefaultBotSettings] GameMode = Practice.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDifficulty = Normal.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeOpponentClass = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeDeckType = Basic.
[DefaultBotSettings] PracticeBasicDeck = HUNTER.
[DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyCustomDeck = .
[DefaultBotSettings] FriendlyAllowedName = .
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = True.
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IRoutine> - Initializing
Current bot set to DefaultBot.
cant find _mulligan.txt (if you dont created your own mulliganfile, ignore this message)
init Silverfish
read carddb.txt
cant find _combo.txt (if you dont created your own combos, ignore this message)
fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-04-05_19-37-47.txt
set enemy-face-hp to: 15
set maxwide to: 3000
calculate the second turn of the 0 best boards
current alpha is 0.5
you are running uai V114.0
fight is logged in: .\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs\UILogg_2015-04-05_19-37-48.txt
set enemy-face-hp to: 15
set maxwide to: 3000
calculate the second turn of the 0 best boards
current alpha is 0.5
you are running uai V114.0
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass1 = HUNTER.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass2 = WARLOCK.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass3 = PRIEST.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass4 = ROGUE.
[DefaultRoutineSettings] ArenaPreferredClass5 = WARRIOR.
Reloading AssemblyLoader<Triton.Bot.IPlugin> - Initializing
Current routine set to DefaultRoutine.
[DefaultBotSettings] GameMode = Constructed.
[DefaultBotSettings] AutoGreet = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAtRank = False.
[AutoStopSettings] RankToStopAt = 20.
[AutoStopSettings] StopGameCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopWinCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopLossCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopConcedeCount = 1.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXGames = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXWins = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXLosses = False.
[AutoStopSettings] StopAfterXConcedes = False.
[AutoStop] Initialize
[QuestSettings] StopAfterAllQuestsAreDone = True.
[QuestSettings] OnlyUseCustomDecks = False.
[Quest] Initialize
[Stats] Initialize
[Stats] Enable
Please read the following guide before using this program:
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedDeckType = Custom.
[DefaultBotSettings] ConstructedCustomDeck = mb.
[Start] Now creating the BotThread.
[Stats] Start
[HubScene] The bot needs to cache quests. Now clicking on the "Quest Log" button.
[HubScene] Now clicking to close the "Quest Log" screen.
[DefaultBotSettings] NeedsToCacheQuests = False.
[HubScene] Now clicking on the "Play" button.
[IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning.
[IsClientInUsableState] !SceneMgr.IsSceneLoaded.
[IsClientInUsableState] SceneMgr.IsTransitioning.
[IsClientInUsableState] Box.IsBusy.
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Showing Custom Decks
[TournamentScene_DeckPicker] Now clicking the "Play" button.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[TournamentScene_PlayQueue] Now waiting for a match.
[IsClientInUsableState] LoadingScreen.IsTransitioning.
[Tick] Exception during execution:GreyMagic.InjectionDesyncException: Process must have frozen or gotten out of sync: Injection Finished Event was never fired
at GreyMagic.Executor.WaitForInjection(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.SharedExecuteLogicEnd(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.Execute(Int32 timeout)
at GreyMagic.Executor.GrabFrame()
at GreyMagic.ExternalProcessMemory.AcquireFrame(Boolean isHardLock)
at Triton.Game.TritonHs.AcquireFrame()
at Triton.Bot.BotManager.Tick(IBot )
[BotThreadFunction] An InjectionDesyncException was detected.
[Stats] Stop
Any help would make me grateful. This occurs during matchmaking and that spin wheel is spinning.