Where did you change the attack range? If you mean the pull range on the settings tab, that's just the range at which your character will go out of it's way to pull a mob, that should be 40 (or so, depending on your CC). The issue you're describing sounds like its in your CC.
This is Gatherbuddy not Honorbuddy so no CCs and its "Combat Range" I changed.
You ain't the first to do thatOops. I just look at the "Newest Threads" window and sometimes forget to see which Subforum it takes me to. My bad.
As far as I know there is nothing special in Gatherbuddy that tells hunters to move to ranged distance before attacking. I could be wrong though, I am not a developer. Has this always been the case with your hunter, or did you used to be able to attack from ranged?
edit: as a quickie idea you could have Disengage as one of your macro'd key options, which should move you away from the mob assuming you have a pet capable of holding aggro. Just a thought. Not sure how well that would work out though.
Attack Range sets the range at which you will initiate combat with hostile targets I believe.
Also there is one macro button that only fires off every 10 secs, and that should be more than long enough to end combat... as long as you don't disengage into another mob... or off a cliff. You know, disengage may not be a good idea there. It was just a thought.
Honorbuddy is more focused on realistic playstyle for the classes. Gatherbuddy is simply a gatherbot. Realistically, you should not find yourself in combat that often. And you could always blacklist the nodes that have monsters next to them all the time (although I know that is less than ideal as far as options go). I know it's not an ideal situation but it is what it is. Maybe try increasing the combat range so that you engage the hostiles before they engage you, giving you a chance to fire on them at ranged and hopefully end the fight sooner and look more realistic. It's just a suggestion. Maybe someone else will have a better one.
It might just be for gathering but total avoidance of aggro is not possible and using rangeattacks would double the killing speed
I use a hunter right now and I have put attackrange to 10 (min range is 5 to shoot) but it still just stands in melee range when it encounters a mob? And thats pretty limiting my dps when I aggro a mob. Any clues on what else I should change?
/cancelaura Aspect of the Viper
/cast Aspect of the Viper
If you use something like this, the button will always remove and reapply the buff:
Code:/cancelaura Aspect of the Viper /cast Aspect of the Viper
/castsequence [nopet]reset=5 Call Pet,Revive Pet;[pet,nomod,btn:1]reset=15 Mend Pet,null;
Awesome, another thing I have put Mend pet in slot 6, and from what I could udnerstand it should cast this every 10 sec (According to the GB video), but it casts it like every 1-2 sec and therefore its highly mana inefficient and sometimes it dont get any healing ticks done at all (pet dies)
I then used this macro as I thought that would make it impossible to cast mend pet again unless 15secs had passed, but that dont seem to work.
So first why is it casting spell 6 more than once every 10 sec? and second whats wrong with this macro