Comp A = Botting comp
Comp B = Monitor from team viewer
Comp A work totally fine without any lag or whatever, when im not using isoboxer, i can control all bot using team viewer from comp B without any lag issue.
After running the bots using ISOboxer, the comp itself is not lagging at all, however when i use Comp B to take control over it by team viewer, it's kinda impossible on the botting screen. Im have screen A and B, A for demon buddy , B for diablo.
From my point of view from comp B, the bot is moving in slow motion, however, from comp A, the bot isnt lagging at all, just that i cant control it since it's in slwo motion, when i hit teleport, it will happen like 2-3 sec later from my screen.
However , once i remove isoboxer, the lagging go away, no more slow motion or whatsoever. Anyway to fix this?