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Is this a good place to learn C#?


New Member
Apr 17, 2010

Just wondering. Since I really want to learn C# and I have about $3000 for any schooling right now. I could care less about the certificate they give out. But it would be nice to just have a tutor there to help.

Just wondering. Since I really want to learn C# and I have about $3000 for any schooling right now. I could care less about the certificate they give out. But it would be nice to just have a tutor there to help.
ill tutor you, for $3k, but you wont get any certs. lol
idk, it might be good to see if you can get into an actual class, like at your local university or something.
go to your favorite bookstore, buy some books, learn it by yourself -> much cheaper and should fit all your needs, cause if something is not written in the book u'll google it and learn much more than from someone who tells you how to write your first hello world program :)
ill tutor you, for $3k, but you wont get any certs. lol
idk, it might be good to see if you can get into an actual class, like at your local university or something.

Yea I was thinking about trying to get into classes IRL. But due to me being a mental case and freaked out apon leaving my house, would be kinda hard. But if I can't find a good school online I guess I have no choice. :/
go to your favorite bookstore, buy some books, learn it by yourself -> much cheaper and should fit all your needs, cause if something is not written in the book u'll google it and learn much more than from someone who tells you how to write your first hello world program :)

True. I do want some credentials down the line. But this place seems kinda fishy for $120 for some credentials that I don't even know a place would take for the job. But for now I really just want to learn some C# and get to wrighting CC's so I can use all this free time I have to a good cause. Also the money has to be to some type of schooling with credentials at the end and I'm broke IRL with paying all my bills. But once I get some extra money I'm looking into it.
Yea I was thinking about trying to get into classes IRL. But due to me being a mental case and freaked out apon leaving my house, would be kinda hard. But if I can't find a good school online I guess I have no choice. :/
i know what you mean, *whispers* i haven't left the house in 3 weeks.
i know what you mean, *whispers* i haven't left the house in 3 weeks.

Shit sucks. My mom is my "caretaker" and I get disability. Coding is all I've ever wanted to do since my first bot in EQ2 when I was 12. Now I'm 20 and want to start giving back and helping out the community. I think I'm going to just start righting profile's for now and move onto CC's.

But it's nice to know I'm not alone. Atleast on a botting forum where people norm buy it to be away from the game. LOL.
Shit sucks. My mom is my "caretaker" and I get disability. Coding is all I've ever wanted to do since my first bot in EQ2 when I was 12. Now I'm 20 and want to start giving back and helping out the community. I think I'm going to just start righting profile's for now and move onto CC's.

But it's nice to know I'm not alone. Atleast on a botting forum where people norm buy it to be away from the game. LOL.

I was in the same boat with social anxiety, i only left the house when i was forced to for 2 years. It does get better though, honestly, join an IRL class and meet people :)

I was in the same boat with social anxiety, i only left the house when i was forced to for 2 years. It does get better though, honestly, join an IRL class and meet people :)

Thinking about sighing up for next semester at a collage by my house. Would be nice to have a reason to get up and do something lol.

Just wondering. Since I really want to learn C# and I have about $3000 for any schooling right now. I could care less about the certificate they give out. But it would be nice to just have a tutor there to help.

I hardly dare to leave the house last year, fucking scared something would happen to me etc altho i had to move to work each day which takes/took huge amounts of energy. Wow is a nice thing to escape from the real world and still have some social contact :-)

Anyway, i studied informatics at school but it sucks, people who tell you how to do it is fucking bullshit tbh. You learn way more doing/trying yourself then listening to someone how it's done. Anyway, gl with it.
Have you considered going to the gym? or some physical activity.. I know it sounds stupid but it really helps with anxiety and depression.
If you have the time to self teach programming then I highly recommend it, find a few good book and just plod through it. Take as much time as you need to learn it and just remember to take your time.
as said above,
goto your favorite bookstore, buy "C++ for dummies"
costs you about 5-10 bucks, now x-fer the 2979 dollars to my bank account, and go buy a lollipop for a buck and have a go with it ^^
Yea I was thinking about trying to get into classes IRL. But due to me being a mental case and freaked out apon leaving my house, would be kinda hard. But if I can't find a good school online I guess I have no choice. :/
Mental illness can consume your identity, especially if you have persistent symptoms. Right here it sounds like you have a great opportunity to explore doing something you are interested in & expand your definition of who you are! If you're relatively stable, have your supports in place, and the grant or w/e funding, I hope you choose to go to take a course. Every college will have resources for students with disabilities & you can also talk with your teacher about any accommodations you might need or if you begin to encounter problems. I'm a single parent, I can work full-time now, a former student, a university graduate, a friend, and my mental health disability is part of who I am too.
I would say take a class at you local university. The intro class would probably start you off with java, from the little bit I know, it looks similar on the surface. Once you pic up the concept of programming, learning other languages is no big deal. Having a teacher/TA you can meet with will really accelerate your learning.

As for the phobia of leaving the house. I go through cycles of holing up in my apartment and got out into the world and i've met a ton of similar people at school :p
Thanks for all the comment's guys. I decided to buy some Books and I'm signing up for classes after summer break. I already talked to a consular at the collage I want to attend and they have programs for people like me who are disabled. (Like smaller classes, later time's in the day, more hands on.) stuff like that. I got a wrox book and head first into C#. So I'll be busy reading tho's for now. :)