As the title says i would like to know if there is something like loot priority cuz here is what happens i run with 330iir/72 iiq maps and sometimes in boss rooms there is way too much loot and not enough portals left...The bot picks up random rares and if there is no portal ofc he cant loot the rest and sometimes in those rest items are uniques or good bases rares...If there is loot priority like Uniques>Currency>6 socketed items>Rares it would be great.
Ive seen the bot leaving 1-2 uniques sometimes...Map with 3 bosses and double boss mod(6x bosses in room)=5 portals not enough to take all the loot out....
Well this happens not only at the bosses ofc when you got no portals left it just leaves the map with stash full of rares while there are still currency and uniques on the ground left...If you ask me this should be implemented in Map Runner plugin.
Ive seen the bot leaving 1-2 uniques sometimes...Map with 3 bosses and double boss mod(6x bosses in room)=5 portals not enough to take all the loot out....
Well this happens not only at the bosses ofc when you got no portals left it just leaves the map with stash full of rares while there are still currency and uniques on the ground left...If you ask me this should be implemented in Map Runner plugin.
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