so, there is no way to make shiphand profiles without these meshes?
shiphand running would be THE number one selling point of this bot. you could level characters solely through shiphands (maybe not THAT fast, but it'd work) AND make 4-6 plat with shiphands, all with just a few simple profiles.
and the best thing about it: all instanced solo content, without any chance of people reporting you. why isn't that already implemented? that would make this bot pretty much a must have and incredibly awesome.
The bot already contains everything you need to farm shiphands, you just need to put in a tiny bit of effort.But i guess you need/want everything handed to you on a golden platter.
The bot already contains everything you need to farm shiphands, you just need to put in a tiny bit of effort.But i guess you need/want everything handed to you on a golden platter.
Also you realize the second some one posts any public profile Carbine will know instantly. You think those grind spots people post publicly aren't watched? You don't think they come here and see what people are doing?... You don't think carbine goes back to those spots looking for people?
Having everything you need and knowing everything you need are two completely different things. If I bought a car, and instead of driving off the lot I got all the parts and tools to build a car with a rough sketch of what it should look like from the salesman with the quip you just made, I'd be more than a little ticked off. It's not a tiny bit of effort if you've never used a buddy bot before, if you aren't familiar with looking at XML, and if the instructions on how to put it all together are being pieced together.
I'm not really trying to come down on you MrUnreal, but for me all of this stuff is new and confusing and there is very limited guidance on how to not make it so, and I'm sure it's that way for plenty of others trying to use this bot. I'm appreciative and thankful that there are people who DO know more and are friendly and helpful and willing to share what they've made, but it doesn't change the fact that there can be frustration over not currently having the knowledge to make the bot do what I want it to do. I want to farm expeditions as much as anyone, but for me it means learning a whole new set of skills and its frustrating. I agree with snue, that having profiles that farmed expeditions would be a HUGE selling point, it would be lucrative to the person using the bot, it would keep botters flying under the radar from being reported, and it would sell more copies. I don't expect it to be handed to me, and his comment didn't sound like he was either. Just take it easy on the people that were expecting to drive off the lot here.
TL;DR Making Wildbuddy do all that it's capable of doing is complex - ease up on those that can't breeze through to that point.
Again, this is more of an endorsement FOR having expedition profiles. Instanced bots are a great deal less conspicuous.
Shiphands == Expeditions mate
I know they're the same thing - not sure why you singled this out.
My point was, having an expedition profile keeps other botters in one place, making a fair amount of plat but not an insane amount, allowing people to level when they're in that range, keeping them out of the general world where the bot can be readily reported and brought attention to, and keeping the casual botter away from and disinterested in the areas that the more savvy are going to be perfecting as their farming spot.
I know they're the same thing - not sure why you singled this out.
My point was, having an expedition profile keeps other botters in one place, making a fair amount of plat but not an insane amount, allowing people to level when they're in that range, keeping them out of the general world where the bot can be readily reported and brought attention to, and keeping the casual botter away from and disinterested in the areas that the more savvy are going to be perfecting as their farming spot.