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Is there a way to download all tiles at once?

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New Member
Dec 20, 2011
From a http link or something? I don't mind if I have to download all the tiles separately (easily can code a program to count up numbers and download them).

Reason why is my net is TERRIBLE and it looks botlike when I move to a new location:

Move 100feet
Pause for 2 minutes
Move 100feet
Pause for 2 minutes
Move 100feet
Pause for 2 minutes.

Obviously it's fine running back, because it just has to read it from my HDD.
This has been asked many times. You can't because if there's an update you have to re download them ALL which would take a very,very, long time. And it would be pointless to do tat every update.
This has been asked many times. You can't because if there's an update you have to re download them ALL which would take a very,very, long time. And it would be pointless to do tat every update.

>Implying you don't have to do that anyway due to the fact that you have to download them to use them.

Pfft, I'll just sniff the thingy to see where it download's it meshes when I get back home.
I guess you could "trick it" into downloading most tiles for a continent, by going to one end of the continent (e.g. Stranglethorn Vale) and starting a profile that requires you to be in the other end (something related to EPL/WPL) on a character that is too low to fly. I think that would make it download all the mesh-files for the possible routes from STV to WPL/EPL, aka most of EK. Sound a wee bit stupid, but might work. The bot shouldn't move until it knows the best route, and to calculate that it needs to download all relevant meshes.
Would have to do this for all continents tho. But personally I've never had any problems, even when having slow Internet. It stops to download mesh files once in a while, but not _that_ often?
I guess you could "trick it" into downloading most tiles for a continent, by going to one end of the continent (e.g. Stranglethorn Vale) and starting a profile that requires you to be in the other end (something related to EPL/WPL) on a character that is too low to fly. I think that would make it download all the mesh-files for the possible routes from STV to WPL/EPL, aka most of EK. Sound a wee bit stupid, but might work. The bot shouldn't move until it knows the best route, and to calculate that it needs to download all relevant meshes.
Would have to do this for all continents tho. But personally I've never had any problems, even when having slow Internet. It stops to download mesh files once in a while, but not _that_ often?

My latency with WoW is over 1000MS (1second), when torrenting like 80 pornos, 60 movies and like 30 TV series, your net starts to become shiit.

Anyway, I would do that, but as far as I know it's a single threaded connection, I'd prefer something like JDownloader to do it.
My latency with WoW is over 1000MS (1second), when torrenting like 80 pornos, 60 movies and like 30 TV series, your net starts to become shiit.

Anyway, I would do that, but as far as I know it's a single threaded connection, I'd prefer something like JDownloader to do it.

Just an idea: Pause your torrents while downloading the mesh files? Sounds a wee bit easier and more practical to me.
Just an idea: Pause your torrents while downloading the mesh files? Sounds a wee bit easier and more practical to me.

Other than when constantly leveling around the world (of warcraft), you're constantly downloading more meshes. You're pretty much suggestive me to, :Serious Face: stop my downloads.
Other than when constantly leveling around the world (of warcraft), you're constantly downloading more meshes. You're pretty much suggestive me to, :Serious Face: stop my downloads.
My face has never been more serious.
But seriously. You only download each mesh file once (unless they change, which is rarely), so it's only an issue the first time you enter a new continent on that computer. At least it's been like that to me. But well, if you figure out a way to download the mesh files en masse in parallel, then all the more power to you. I just never realized it was that much of a bother to anyone :-P
My face has never been more serious.
But seriously. You only download each mesh file once (unless they change, which is rarely), so it's only an issue the first time you enter a new continent on that computer. At least it's been like that to me. But well, if you figure out a way to download the mesh files en masse in parallel, then all the more power to you. I just never realized it was that much of a bother to anyone :-P

You sir, obviously don't torrent like me.
Anyway, I understand that but it's annoying as hell freezing every 10 seconds for 2 minutes. I'm barely leveling, it takes about half an hour just to go from my teleport into the new place to my first quest giver, which is normally like 500 feet away :(
I torrent like a mofo, but 100/100 mbit network removes most speed-problems :D
It sounds to me that there is something more wrong than just limited bandwidth if you get that problem every time. What does the Navigation tab say? Just load of "Download mesh"? I am bewildered.
I torrent like a mofo, but 100/100 mbit network removes most speed-problems :D
It sounds to me that there is something more wrong than just limited bandwidth if you get that problem every time. What does the Navigation tab say? Just load of "Download mesh"? I am bewildered.

Considering downloading a 1MB file off the google servers takes a good 60 minutes while I torrent, I'm pretty sure it is just network issues.

Navigation tab says "Downloading \.*", after awhile it says "Loading \.*" then it continues for 100 feet, to go back to "Downloading \.*".

My network is 7Mbits (Which is under a megabyte) without torrenting, it's terrible. I need to upgrade :/
With that slow net, I'd recommend slowing down your torrents while boting. Can't imagine you actually _needing_ all the stuff you torrent.
Is it downloading the same tiles your last toon you leveled already did?
As you well know, it shouldn't be.
So if it is, find out what folder hb is pointing at for it's local tile saves and be sure they all point to the same.

I would suggest the above idea of making a profile that will force it through as much of the continent as possible, and thus it would download what it needs.

From there it would download the individually changed/updated tiles.

While doing this pause your torrents.
And having that many torrents is completely unnecessary.
No reason to bog yourself down like that.
Is it downloading the same tiles your last toon you leveled already did?
As you well know, it shouldn't be.
So if it is, find out what folder hb is pointing at for it's local tile saves and be sure they all point to the same.

I would suggest the above idea of making a profile that will force it through as much of the continent as possible, and thus it would download what it needs.

From there it would download the individually changed/updated tiles.

While doing this pause your torrents.
And having that many torrents is completely unnecessary.
No reason to bog yourself down like that.

>Signed up 5 days ago
>Already leveled a toon to 85

I wish, I get DCed every other hour and then I completely forget about it and lose like 8 hours worth of botting because of a DC :/
Then limit your torrents.

Either pull a lot less of them, or limit their download rate.

You're stressing the hell out of your network.
If I was your ISP I'd be having it release your IP lease every 12 or 24 hours just because of all the throughput.
That much could mean someone is hosting a server they shouldn't be, or, as you are, torrenting like a mo-fo.

The DCs aren't HBs fault.
And I doubt your ISP is actually dropping your lease as I described.
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Then limit your torrents.

Either pull a lot less of them, or limit their download rate.

You're stressing the hell out of your network.
If I was your ISP I'd be having it release your IP lease every 12 or 24 hours just because of all the throughput.
That much could mean someone is hosting a server they shouldn't be, or, as you are, torrenting like a mo-fo.

The DCs aren't HBs fault.
And I doubt your ISP is actually dropping your lease as I described.

Never said they were, in fact, they're my local WoW server's fault. All my ingame mates are getting DCs, WoW Europe really need to fix their shit up.
there is never a reason to do that many torrents...ever... honestly man throttle the torrents when downloading meshes and it takes you 60 mins to download a 1 meg file from google? seriously are you running a torrent business or something because I could not see why one individual would ever need that amount of data and that much bandwidth.....
there is never a reason to do that many torrents...ever... honestly man throttle the torrents when downloading meshes and it takes you 60 mins to download a 1 meg file from google? seriously are you running a torrent business or something because I could not see why one individual would ever need that amount of data and that much bandwidth.....

I have a 10/1 Mbit line, and I have RSS Feeds of every show me and my neighbor watch, and of all new movies, and of old TV Shows. We have Digital Media Recievers on every TV in the house, we don't pay for Cable/Satellite TV, we have a Dual-Band Backend network just for streaming all that media to the TVs. -- So, I understand why he would Torrent that much. :-D
there is never a reason to do that many torrents...ever... honestly man throttle the torrents when downloading meshes and it takes you 60 mins to download a 1 meg file from google? seriously are you running a torrent business or something because I could not see why one individual would ever need that amount of data and that much bandwidth.....

No, I'm not running a torrent business (The torrents I use are from public sharing sites on public trackers), I just loooveee my:
TV shows
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