I agree with you insofar as i'd rather have the profile setting the pull distances than anonymous routines. But I still think that the user should have the last word. Profile writing, like program coding, is humanly error prone. The end-user is the first to notice an error or a bug, and should be allowed to correct it on the fly, instead of waiting for a profile writer to update its profile.
Furthermore, the more I read about C# and modern programming and design tools, the more I realize that HB is really stuck in a technological deadend. It is using an obsolete paradigm (cs files + xml files), whereas "new" technolgies like xaml (has been around for almost as long as xml), and Microsoft Expression Blend, would lend much more flexibility to all, profile writers and end users alike. The distance between the two would be much smaller with graphical interfaces to create and edit xml/xaml profiles. Something i really hope to see in a near future in HB.
By using graphical interfaces, even the distance between devs and end users could be easily be bridged, making it easier for devs to concentrate on the main logics, and leave the details to profile writers and users.