i was on mmowned forum i saw this
/startattack /run vUseHolyWrath=false /run local n=0; local sets={{48602,48631,1},{50324,50328,10},{51160,51164,10},{51275,51279,10}}; local slots={"HeadSlot","ShoulderSlot","ChestSlot","HandsSlot","LegsSlot"}; for i=1,#slots do local id=tonumber(({string.find(GetInventoryItemLink("player", ({GetInventorySlotInfo(slots)})[1]), "^\124c%x+\124Hitem
[^:]+):.*\124h%[.*%]")})[3]); for j=1,#sets do if id>=sets[j][1] and id<=sets[j][2] then n=n+sets[j][3] end end end; local a=n-math.floor(n/10)*10; local b=math.floor(n/10); vRet=0; if a>1 and b<2 then vRet=1 elseif a>1 and b>1 then vRet=2 elseif b>3 then vRet=3 end; /run if type(vJoW)~="function" then vJoW=function() if GetSpellCooldown("Judgement of Wisdom")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Judgement of Wisdom") and IsSpellInRange("Judgement of Wisdom","target") then CastSpellByName("Judgement of Wisdom") end end end; /run if type(vHoW)~="function" then vHoW=function() if GetSpellCooldown("Hammer of Wrath")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Hammer of Wrath") and IsSpellInRange("Hammer of Wrath","target") and UnitHealth("target")/UnitHealthMax("target")<0.2 then CastSpellByName("Hammer of Wrath") end end end; /run if type(vCS)~="function" then vCS=function() if GetSpellCooldown("Crusader Strike")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Crusader Strike") and IsSpellInRange("Crusader Strike","target") then CastSpellByName("Crusader Strike") end end end; /run if type(vDS)~="function" then vDS=function() if GetSpellCooldown("Divine Storm")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Divine Storm") and IsSpellInRange("Crusader Strike","target") then CastSpellByName("Divine Storm") end end end; /run if type(vCons)~="function" then vCons=function() if UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player")>=0.25 and GetSpellCooldown("Consecration")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Consecration") and IsSpellInRange("Crusader Strike","target") then CastSpellByName("Consecration") end end end; /run if type(vExo)~="function" then vExo=function() if UnitBuff("player", "The Art of War") and GetSpellCooldown("Exorcism")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Exorcism") and IsSpellInRange("Exorcism","target") then CastSpellByName("Exorcism") end end end; /run if type(vHWrath)~="function" then vHWrath=function() if vUseHolyWrath and GetSpellCooldown("Holy Wrath")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Holy Wrath") and IsSpellInRange("Crusader Strike","target") then CastSpellByName("Holy Wrath") end end end; /run if type(vPlea)~="function" then vPlea=function(m) if GetSpellCooldown("Divine Plea")==0 and UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player")<=m then CastSpellByName("Divine Plea") end end end; /run if UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player")<0.10 then if GetSpellCooldown("Divine Shield")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Divine Shield") then SpellStopCasting() CastSpellByName("Divine Shield") elseif GetSpellCooldown("Divine Protection")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Divine Protection") then SpellStopCasting() CastSpellByName("Divine Protection") end end /run local t={UnitDetailedThreatSituation("player","target")}; if GetNumPartyMembers()>0 and (t[1]==1 or (t[5] ~=nil and t[5]>25000 and t[3]>90)) and GetSpellCooldown("Hand of Salvation")==0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@player] Hand of Salvation") end /run if (vRetInt==nil or GetTime()-vRetInt>1) and (UnitCastingInfo("target") or UnitChannelInfo("target")) then if IsUsableSpell("Hammer of Justice") and GetSpellCooldown("Hammer of Justice")==0 and IsSpellInRange("Hammer of Justice", "target")==1 then SpellStopCasting() CastSpellByName("Hammer of Justice") vRetInt=GetTime() elseif IsUsableSpell("Arcane Torrent") and GetSpellCooldown("Arcane Torrent")==0 and IsSpellInRange("Crusader Strike", "target")==1 then SpellStopCasting() CastSpellByName("Arcane Torrent") vRetInt=GetTime() end end /run local s=GetUnitSpeed("player"); if GetSpellCooldown("Hand of Freedom")==0 and s>0 and s<4.5 then RunMacroText("/cast [@player] Hand of Freedom") end; /run vPlea(0.20) /run if UnitAffectingCombat("player") and UnitHealth("target")>200000 and GetSpellCooldown("Avenging Wrath")==0 and IsUsableSpell("Avenging Wrath") and IsSpellInRange("Crusader Strike","target") then if UnitBuff("player","Seal of Corruption") or UnitBuff("player","Seal of Vengeance") then local i=1 while(i<=40)do local a={UnitDebuff("target",i)}; if (a[1]=="Holy Vengeance" or a[1]=="Blood Corruption") and a[8]=="player" and a[4]==5 then break else i=i+1 end end; if i<=40 then CastSpellByName("Avenging Wrath") end else CastSpellByName("Avenging Wrath") end end /run if vRet==0 then vHoW() vCS() vJoW() vDS() vCons() vExo() vHWrath() vPlea(0.70) end /run if vRet==1 then vJoW() vHoW() vCS() vDS() vCons() vExo() vHWrath() vPlea(0.70) end /run if vRet==2 then vJoW() vDS() vHoW() vCS() vCons() vExo() vHWrath() vPlea(0.70) end /run if vRet==3 then vDS() vCS() vJoW() vHoW() vCons() vExo() vHWrath() vPlea(0.70) end /run if UnitPower("player")/UnitPowerMax("player")>=0.50 then local f=0; for i=1,40 do local d={UnitBuff("player",i)}; if d[1]=="Sacred Shield" and d[8]=="player" then f=1 break end end; if f==0 then RunMacroText("/cast [@player] Sacred Shield") end end; /run StaticPopup_Hide("MACRO_ACTION_FORBIDDEN");
that means you can make one button spammer when the lua is removed with the hack it doesend matther for what spec holy or ret or druid you can make spells so its counting on one button is it hard to learn if youre a beginner?
/startattack /run vUseHolyWrath=false /run local n=0; local sets={{48602,48631,1},{50324,50328,10},{51160,51164,10},{51275,51279,10}}; local slots={"HeadSlot","ShoulderSlot","ChestSlot","HandsSlot","LegsSlot"}; for i=1,#slots do local id=tonumber(({string.find(GetInventoryItemLink("player", ({GetInventorySlotInfo(slots)})[1]), "^\124c%x+\124Hitem

that means you can make one button spammer when the lua is removed with the hack it doesend matther for what spec holy or ret or druid you can make spells so its counting on one button is it hard to learn if youre a beginner?