The last time I checked LazyRaider hadn't been updated in a while. Just check the thread and see when the last time it was that it was updated. There's a bot on the Buddy Store that is claimed to be better than Enyo and LazyRaider. I think it's called Elite Combat since enyo stopped working wil lazyraider stil being updated?
The last time I checked LazyRaider hadn't been updated in a while. Just check the thread and see when the last time it was that it was updated. There's a bot on the Buddy Store that is claimed to be better than Enyo and LazyRaider. I think it's called Elite Combat Bot.
Just use the built in Radibot, works perfect for me.
ye since enyo stopped working wil lazyraider stil being updated?
The botbase you choose dont do anything, its the CR who heal or not. And like i said Raidbot is the same like lazy rider you also can use alt+x and such but i wanna go back to arena botting pvp rated bg again with healing cc of tuanha i had 2300 rating befor and you cant heal with raid bot in arena you need lazyraider for it
The botbase you choose dont do anything, its the CR who heal or not. And like i said Raidbot is the same like lazy rider you also can use alt+x and such things.
I don't PvP either, so I've never tried, but I've read that HB has never officially supported PvP, so they won't assist in making the bot work in arenas, BGs, and RBGs. They've said if you can get it to work, great, but if not then oh well. I also believe that in order to use HB in PvP you had to download 3rd party bot bases like Enyo, LazyRaider, etc. I don't believe that the shipped bot bases will work in PvP content, unless it's world PvP. That's just my guess though. I could be wrong.Never tried, bc i dont pvp, but why not. If you dont need 20 shortcuts or similiar.